Ein neuer Tag und wieder 5 Untamed Packs geöffnet / A new day and again 5 Untamed Packs opened

in #cn5 years ago

Moin Steemians und Splinterlands Gamer!

Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle ein schönes Weihnachtsfest.

Ich hatte mir für 200 Dollar Untamed Booster Packs gekauft.

Nach und nach Poste ich die Karten die ich gezogen habe. Hier weitere 5 Booster Packs.
Es hat sich aber bis jetzt leider immer noch nicht bezahlt gemacht.

Habt einen schönen Tag.

Gruß vom @bitandi


Moin Steemians and Splinterlands gamers!

I hope you all had a nice Christmas.

I had bought Untamed Booster Packs for $200.

Little by little I posted the cards I had drawn. Here are another 5 Booster Packs.
Unfortunately it has not paid off yet.

Have a nice day.

Greeting from @bitandi

Hier die Namen der guten Karten:

Here are the names of the good cards:

1x Epic Mitica Headhunter
1x Rare Living Lava
1x Rare Contessa Lament
1x Rare Tower Griffin
1x Rare Ice Pixie
1x Rare Bone Golem
1x Rare Khmer Princess

Screenshot (497).png

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Thank you for supporting @CatsMakeKittens by being a part of our community @bitandi.

Each CATS you purchase gets you daily upvotes from me @CatScientist as our community grows so do your rewards for being a member!

Enjoy a $trendotoken from MAPX! Please also take a look at @MAPXV and @MAXUV as MAPX tokens almost run out.

Congratulations @map10k, you successfuly trended the post shared by @bitandi!
@bitandi will receive 4.21762950 TRDO & @map10k will get 2.81175300 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

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Hi @bitandi, a free $trendotoken from the TULIP Mania Game!
Round 3 will start soon and full details will follow. Thanks for playing!

Congratulations @busbecq, you successfuly trended the post shared by @bitandi!
@bitandi will receive 5.26629600 TRDO & @busbecq will get 3.51086400 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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Congratulations @bitandi, your post successfully recieved 9.4839255 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:

@map10k earned : 2.811753 TRDO curation
@busbecq earned : 3.510864 TRDO curation

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