Binance Trading Strategy Competition

Show off your cryptocurrency trading talents with our new trading competition. A total of 37,000 Binance Coins are at stake.

At Binance, it pays to be a great cryptocurrency trader. Literally. With the new Binance Trading Strategy Competition, which runs from October 18 to November 1, you can get prizes in the form of Binance Coins (BNB) for making better trades than the rest.

This contest is all about crypto trading skill

If you’ve been using the Binance exchange for quite a while, you might be familiar with the occasional contests we run for specific cryptocurrencies. However, for this new trading competition, you are free to select the cryptocurrencies you like to trade, buy, and sell, whether you trade one token or 50. We’re measuring for overall crypto wisdom here.

A lot of the previous competitions encourage you to go for volume, which is exciting too. But with this competition, we have added a new wrinkle: judging for quality. Traders who join this contest are ranked based on the percentage of return you achieved across all cryptocurrencies you used. Regardless if you trade one token or 50, your total returns will be appraised in comparison to your starting balance, all measured in Bitcoin (BTC). This way, we are leveling the playing field by looking at growth rates, not just the crypto added.

Ain’t no prize like a BNB prize

The best part of this crypto trading contest is: you get your prizes in the form of Binance Coins. We are giving away 27,000 BNB in prizes for the top 50 traders during the promo period. Here’s the breakdown of how the prizes will be split:

Champion: 8,000 BNB

2nd Place: 4,000 BNB

3rd Place: 2,000 BNB

4th to 10th Place: 6,000 BNB split 7 ways (around 857 BNB each)

11th-50th: 7,000 BNB split 40 ways (175 BNB each)

With this competition, we reward the best cryptocurrency traders with more Binance Coins to use to make their deals a lot sweeter down the line. And if you were thinking of resting from trading for a while after winning, you will still have a lot more uses for that BNB. As we have recently shown, BNB has a lot of uses, so feel free to buy coffee or treat yourself to a vacation in Australia using BNB.

(Here’s a little side-tip: The Binance Trading Strategy Competition is a great opportunity to use Binance Coins to your advantage. Get 25% savings when you use Binance Coins to pay for your trading fees.)

If you end up not winning in the competition, we still have something in store for you. All Binancians who traded at least 1 BTC worth of crypto will be part of the lucky draw, where 10,000 BNB will be given away to 200 winners. That’s a still-sizable 50 BNB you can get just as a thank you for participating. We are even broadcasting the draw live so that you can see in real time if you won.

Binance users with at least 0.1 BTC worth of crypto holdings in their accounts are eligible to join the competition. The contest period starts 10/18 0:00 AM UTC and ends 11/01 0:00 AM UTC. Binance reserves the right to penalize unusual trading activity with measures that may include disqualification from the contest. For more details about the competition, read our announcement at the Binance website.


Hoping that you will do this too. Users will enjoy 99% off the trading fees on TUSD trading pairs (BTC/TUSD, ETH/TUSD and USDT/TUSD) from Oct. 15, 22:00 to Oct. 22, 22:00, 2018 (UTC+8).

Users will enjoy 99% off the trading fees on TUSD trading pairs (BTC/TUSD, ETH/TUSD and USDT/TUSD) from Oct. 15, 22:00 to Oct. 22, 22:00, 2018 (UTC+8) this post is almost done. It's their last day today. and I think it will be worth it if you trade now. :D

Why not give a promotion for stable coins? Like a 99% off the trading fees on PAX trading pairs will do, it will sure make us happier.

Same here I want binance to add also a 99% discount trading fee for tusd it would be great.

"Users will enjoy 99% off the trading fees on PAX trading pairs (BTC/PAX, ETH/PAX and USDT/PAX) from Oct. 15, 22:00 to Oct. 22, 22:00, 2018 (UTC+8)" Do you have this kind of promotion? Disregard PAX it's a useless stablecoin tho.

Is it true that they give 99% discount trading fee on all pax trading pairs? What exchange is that? Why binance doesn't have?

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