Choose the kind word...

in #dtubefamily7776 years ago

There has been much stress and misfortune lately, surrounding many of the people I know… It has made me think about measured responses and kindness.

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i agree with you brother speaking of kind words are the best thing to tell in life..

Whatever negative you arento the person butnif you still had that kind of words it will changes everything the way they look or feel you!

True... I was just talking to my oldest son about this... gotta try and instill this

Thank you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thats wa great to hear bro! you will be a good father and mentor :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks - I’m trying...👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

Never hurts to be kind. You can be yourself and be kind. I so agree with this!

As the saying goes " speak kind word it doesn't hurt the tongue ".

Indeed - It even helps kick start your own day! But it often requires us to be watchful - negativity is a slippery slope.
Thank you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Needs conscious effort but it is definitely sound advice
And it could have a ripple effect
And I remember when I first came on Steemit, I watched a video where someone went off on a tirade about how being nice on this platform was forced and it wasn't the natural order of things
And how everyone should just be themselves
But I thought, hey, maybe if people made an effort because they had to, it could become a habit and maybe the world would be a nicer placer
After all we are creatures of habit....
Just thinking aloud
All the best with spreading words of kindness...
It's definitely a good time to start it off :D


Thank you... my career (healthcare) involves a lot of emotion... and it’s easy to allow negativity to drive the conversation among peers and coworkers... I’ve noticed that, if we feed this “water cooler” negativity, then we are less likely to respond with kindness during subsequent conversations during our daily walk.

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I am not sure if the Hawaiian ho’noponno will help
I use it when things get too overwhelming
It helps most times

You’ll have to forgive my ignorance… LOL… I’ll have to look that up. Thanks

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Yeah, some people think that empathy and kindness are not valuable things in and of themselves, like they are luxuries or things to be earned. I dont go by that game. I can be a goof in what I say, but when it comes to speaking to someone I live by assuming they are the most deserving of kindness.

Posted using Partiko Android

Those are Wise words...

Kindness builds... it’s an investment, plain and simple

Posted using Partiko iOS

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