Learning How Successful People Behave

in Project HOPE2 months ago

Talking about millionaires and billionaires, I was talking to a man today and he was lamenting about how difficult the country is and how some youths live their best lives showing off their new rides and so on. In between our conversations, I remember mentioning that he was so fixated at those people that he must have even missed the subtle millionaires and billionaires next to him that he needed to get closer to.

There are certain character traits associated with successful people that sets them apart from unsuccessful ones. The first thing you might be quick to notice is the direction of their conversation. Their conversations will usually mirror their values. In fact, everyone's conversation mirrors something but for successful people, it mirrors value. Rich people are obsessed with money and in all their discussion, money is involved. They are always talking about ideas on where to invest their money, the emerging market, as well as businesses that are failing or those that are succeeding. This conversation revolves around heir core values of building, growing businesses as well as finance.

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When these people come into a gathering for the first time, their first impression is the 3Cs, which is Cool, Calm, and Collected. They are socially intelligent and they have learned that this beats abrasive authoritativeness. Being rude to people and asking if they know who you are isn't something people want to hear in this world of ours. The rich and successful know this so they ensure to be classy and nice to both staffs and everyone alike because other rich people are watching and will be judging them based on how they interact.

One thing I have noticed amongst successful people is that they are able to fix a problem before it becomes a real problem. Problems with business deals, financial issues, rumors and whispers are quickly sorted once and for all before it becomes a blown out issue.

Also, these people are so in love with their time that they do not want to waste a day doing what is not worth it. They are interested in saving time and not money because if they are able to utilize hat resources well, it will be profitable with rewards being money.

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Another thing that successful people know and are calm with is delayed gratification. A successful person knows that success isn't a day's job and gratification can destroy one's chance to getting the success that is expected. They are willing to give up things now to be able to enjoy the reward in the future.

One thing that a lot of people must have noticed about successful people is no schedule no show. If it is not on their schedule list, then it is not happening at all. This is why when you go to the home of successful people with security at the gate or to their office where the receptionist is, the next question they will ask you after your name and purpose is did you book an appointment? This is because they value discipline and they are willing to stick to the plan.

On a final note, while successful people aim to be perfect, they are always willing to settle for growth in their endeavor. Successful people love improvement especially on a daily since they know that perfection is not something that can be done in a day, in fact in some cases perfection is one bar that is never met.


I like the fact that you mentioned time. To be successful, one has to value and utilise time effectively.
Nice piece, friend Bimbo

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