The hardest thing is starting! [Pro Tips]

in #steemit7 years ago

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is start! What do I mean by that? Well starting a new post or trying to reply to an email or just getting out of bed! Starting is the hard part! Once you get into a rhythm you begin to realize it is not that hard!

In fact once you start writing about something you realize you are no longer thinking about trying and thinking about what you want to tell people reading! This is a huge tip that seems so easy but is often over looked!


I can not address this enough! Just talk, speak how you normally would, make sure people can understand what you are saying and stop over thinking things! People fail to realize how important another person's perspective can be and Steem especially provides a platform to not only express that but earn expressing it!

How Others Think Does Not Matter!

One of the hardest parts of starting any post or article is thinking of an opening. We are taught in schools a rigid structure that might work for some situations but the truth is sometimes free thought is the best. In writing this is called "Stream of consciousness" it is a method of writing that seeks to stop the worries of spelling and grammar and focus on ideas that literally "stream" out from your "consciousness" into words and ideas you are expressing! This is organic thought! It is raw and messy but has the most substance for your original thoughts!

Using this you can begin to refine ideas and have discussions and debates! The raw essence of ideas are what creates a social construct like steem in the first place! You throwing away your ideas because you are afraid to share them or worse not beginning at all because you are afraid for how to begin writing about them is utterly throwing away your own ideas and the future of us all!

Share your ideas even if they are messy and above all, don't be afraid to just begin writing! No one is judging!


The first step is the hardest one!! The Next step you Will fly!!

Exactly that is why I set let go and just embrace what you want to talk about! Once you begin you realize you never stop. The best writers never have a beginning or an ending it just goes on and cliff hangs! There is no start or finish you are in the matrix...

Exactly and you are the only one who controle it

All great journeys start with a single step... :-)

Just getting out of a bad writer's block.

Thank you for the bottled motivation :D

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