International Love People Day!

in #life6 years ago

Today is a day to remember your love for others! Even your enemies you can share love with and break bread.. That does not mean to let your guard down or trust them, but learn to build a common ground. We in this world have 2 choices, grow together, or grow apart. World Wars happen when we can't grow together! Civil wars happen when you divide nations against each other!

Let us all take a few minutes to reach out to those we disagree with and try to show them some love! Maybe we can understand them better and grow closer together instead of continue to rip each other apart! What better world could we have than one united by love and compassion for all man kind?

To all my fellow Steemians I wish you love and peace not only today but everyday from here on out! I hope we all can grow closer together and learn to embrace things we are not comfortable with instead of constantly pushing more division in the world! This is not a sports game, this is real life! We as humans are not very good at cohabiting! Maybe today is a good way to look at ourselves and see what we can do to help change that!


My neighbor just apologized yesterday for being mean all these years. God is good!! All the time!! What a relief.
Great post.

Glad to hear that! Maybe the world just needs more love and less hate?? And the blame game! We are all guilty of it at times... I'm looking at my own actions and realizing maybe I need to be a little nicer and loving to others not so up tight crude and cold so quickly when I feel attacked or wronged unfairly.. Life is for the living and love is more powerful than hate. Hate leads to destruction and love builds communities!

Very true. Every moment we have choices. One day at a time practicing doing g the right thing always works out. We need each other. Lol. Been self reflecting too. Love is the answer.
Thanks for the confirmation.
I'm not alone!! Yay!

I like this idea, We should make it so that everyone has to bring food and drink a lot of alcohol on a beach celebrating while we open our presents under the palm trees with chocolates and cards, we could even have a treasure hunt for capsules that have steem money in it while wearing costumes and at the end of the day we have a nice BBQ while watching the laser and fireworks show!

Sounds like a plan to me lol! I'm always down for a good beach bbq! Need big bonfires too! Love that!

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