Perkenalkan diri saya/introducemyself

Hii steemit,selamat pagi sahabat steemit.....
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya dengan teman-teman.
Setelah saya mendengar dan mempelajari tentang steemit dari kawan saya, saya sangat termotivasi untuk bergabung dengan program steemit ini. Jadi nama saya Donny Andrian dan saya tinggal di Aceh/ Indonesia tepatnya di Kota Lhokseumawe, Saya lahir di Matang kuli pada tanggal 25 Maret 1999. Hobbi saya main bola,berenang dan travelling. dan propesi saya sekarang masih dalam masa mempelajari atau mendalami ilmu-ilmu, baik itu ilmu agama ataupun ilmu umum lainnya.

Hii steemit,goodmorning friend steemit .....
Let me introduce myself to my friends
After I heard and learned about steemit from my friends, I am very motivated to join this steemit program. So my name is Donny Andrian and I live in Aceh / Indonesia precisely in Kota Lhokseumawe, I was born in Matang coolie on March 25, 1999. My hobbies play ball, swimming and traveling. and my prophetion is now still in the study or studying the sciences, be it religious knowledge or other general science.

Saya sangat senang bisa bergabung di akun steemit ini,saya sangat berharap bisa menulis sebuah karya yang bisa membantu sahabat semuanya,dan saya ingin juga membaca postingan yang bermanfaat dari semua sahabat disteemit ini,dan dari itu semua saya perlu dukungan dari sahabat buat saling memberikan informasi untuk saya dalam mepelajari ilmu-ilmu bermanfaat.

I am very happy to be able to join this steemit account, I really hope to write a work that can help all friends, and I want to also read a useful post from all friends of this distemite, and from that I need support from friends to give each other information for me in studying useful sciences.

Atas perhatian teman-teman saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih....

For the attention of my friends say many thanks ....


Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

thanks for motivasion

@bigbos99, let me be the first to welcome you to Steemit! Congratulations on making your first post!

I gave you a $.05 vote!

Would you be so kind as to follow me back in return?

Hello welcome. I invite you to our discord chat. We help new users to grow. You will be welcome if you want to come.

thanks for motovasion

Welcome to Steemit Donny
I saw your #introduceyourself and its nice to meet you.
Blogging thats what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn money too.💴💸💰
I never blogged before I just write.
But be carefull with all your passwords !! Never give those up !!
For safety tips visit from Our fellow steemy @verhp11.
The Steemify App I use is great, it is available in the Appstore and free, go cheque it out. I wish you good luck with steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

thanks for motivasion

It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.

thanks you for motivasion

selamat bergabung di steemit rakan,semoga kamu sukses selalu.

terimakasih rakan,sudah berkunjung diblog saya, salam kenal rakan,sukses selalu ya

samasama,anda juga harus sukses selalu ya

"Save the cheerleader, save the world."

welcome to steemit, hope you can give information and good work and steemit users to support all activities in this steemit.
you can also visit my account, to know me and become a good friend

thanksyou ,you good friend

thanks motivasion

Hello @bigbos99, I really appreciate that how much people effort to develop an impressive intro blog on steemit. thats really great. i refer to your blog in my post. please have a look and give me feedback that how you like about my post?

I also really appreciate the post you give, and I really like it, thanks for coming to my blog

Hi @bigbos99, welcome to Steemit! This is an awesome site and a cool community. It might take a little bit to figure out what to do and how things work but before you know it you'll be addicted! Cheers

thanks you,

Be advised @bigbos99

The comment from @exxodus has been identified as being copy/pasted comment spam intended to trick their targets into upvoting them. Please, refrain from doing so. They have been reported to @steemcleaners and we are giving users a heads-up.
We have identified 108 comments identifed as having a 75% similarity. If there were rewards on the spam, I have used up to a full weight downvote to neutralize them! Please, feel free to contact @anthonyadavisii if you have any questions about this process.

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