in #steemiteducation6 years ago

A lesson that every child, teenager, and person should learn. 

image source

Today we see that children are permanently on their phones texting. 

It is sad as they should learn to make friends with people who will sit and chat to them in person. 

Texting is something we all use as it does sometimes mean that we can get an answer to something. 

Unfortunately children are overdoing it, and that is their landline to friends. 

We must teach our children that having real friends, and getting together to socialize is very important as we need to be able to communicate face to face.

Once they grow up and start working they must know how to communicate with people, and if they are just doing on the phone all the time they will lose their socializing skills. 

I wonder what would happen if we took our children’s phones from them for a while just to see how it changes their life. 

It is unreal to see how they even sit in a group, and all you see them doing is texting.

image source

I am not saying that phones are bad, but there must be a limit to their use when they are children or teenagers.

I am putting a video in here that will break your heart and all because of texting. 

Parents and teachers should explain to them that it is not safe to never stop texting. 

It can ruin their lives forever just like this poor girl did. 

Now she found out that her friends got tired of her complaining and she does not even have friends anymore. 

That is also sad, as she should except what happened, and try to make the best of her life that she can. 

Please let your children and teenagers watch this video as it could change their texting lives.                    

courtesy of you tube

I hope this was a lesson to every person in the world.          


Times have changed, technology sweeps people off their feet without them realizing it.

On the other hand technology has made life easier to keep contact in an over-populated time when parents worry about children's safety.

It is very true joanstewart thanks for the reply.

the question now is how we can be of good help to our children in avoiding such kind of excesive use of modern technology that ruin their valuable time.

I think you should show them what can happen, I really do not know what else also worried.

I feel fright for the younger generation.
As a youth, we went to dances at the local hall, and spent the night dancing with the girls [waltz, foxtrot etc] with the aim of walking them home.
Shortly after the world suffered the "baby boom"
Now the youth sit alongside each other and text.
The world is heading into the "Baby Lack".
At least it will solve the Global Warming.

It is truly sad as they do not know what they are missing we were so happy and enjoyed everyones company.

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