Warmup mit CoD4 und weiter gehts mit Gruppenkeile :-)

in #vimmtv5 years ago

Category: gaming
Sub-category: Fortnite

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Hi and welcome to my channel.
Hier die meist gezockten Games von mir
World of Warplanes / World of Tanks / Fortnite and ROE.

Pc Setup :-(
I7 Quad Core 920 2.6 Ghz getaktet auf 4 Ghz
12 GB Ram G Skill Rip Jaws 1600Mhz
GTX 660
many fans to cool down the engine :-)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigm63901657

busy: https://busy.org/@big-m
Discord: https://discord.gg/vhqb8c

This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv


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