Tabletop (Floortop...) Gaming with Munchkin!

in OCD4 years ago


One of the primary reasons that I've had kids is so that I will have someone to play Tabletop games, RPGs and computer games with... my wife, she isn't really into these things at all... well, that's not true, she seems to like it when she is playing them... but I wonder if that is out of politeness!

Anyway, this Easter break, I had a second go at introducing my oldest girl to Munchkin. My first attempt was when she was about 4... and that ended predictably badly! I definitely was a touch too eager...

Munchkin is a very light card-based RPG with a some pretty funny nerdy humour. For adults, it's a bit of a shits and giggles game... it's not the hardcore tabletop gaming that I'm really fond of, but it is the gateway drug! It's more the game that you play with spouses over beer and wine. There is a great deal of inter-person co-operation and backstabbing that is possible, so it's a great way to build friendships and to find out who truly is a devious bastard....


The game does take a bit of getting used to (especially when you are trying to teach a 3 and 8 year old...), but we managed to learn a very simple version (without the backstabbing...) whilst my wife was teaching. It turns out that my oldest girl was really into the fantasy humour... and like most games, the youngest ended up winning... even though she has absolutely no idea what the hell is going on!

We played a few open hand games just so that I could help them out... but it really meant that I would be stomping all over my own character with their cards. Well, at least someone would feel good about that. Just wait, I will let them win a bit... and then I will go full stomp on them! I WANT TO SEE YOUR TEARS!!!!!!


Actually, the real gaming monster in our family is my wife... when she plays games with her family... well, most of her family are pretty polite and quiet people... but get them into a board game, and they turn into highly vicious and competitive screaming maniacs! It is really loud... and just a touch scary!

After my wife finished her work... we surprised her by telling her exhausted self that we wanted to play a game! I'm sure that was EXACTLY what she wanted to be doing...

... still she was polite enough to agree to the game. Well, lets just say that RPGs and a touch of fantasy suspension of belief isn't really her thing. She was questioning everything... like how the hell your character can just change their class and race... and how you could possibly have more than one of each. To be honest, I think it was easier teaching the kids...

... and in this final game, my oldest finally got a huge luck streak and turned into an unstoppable dungeon killing machine and won the game! Good times... now to try and get her hooked on a proper pen and paper RPG!

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My wife and I are really into strategy board games. I've always been curious about munchkin but have never played. I dont fully understand it. Does it work well with two people? I know that you played with your daughter but is it fun with two adults or is it more for a small group?

I had played it technically with 3 people (the youngest had a hand but wasn't really playing... we were playing her hand for her) and then 4 with my wife included. It doesn't really work with only 2 adults as half of the game is the assisting and backstabbing of "friends". I guess it could work, but you miss out half the fun!

This game looks like fun. It's been awhile since I played a boardgame.

It is a fun game... simple but a fun one. Half the fun comes from hobbling and backstabbing your friends!

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