My Quarantine Story: The voice of misery

in OCD4 years ago


Horrible! Absolutely horrible!! I'm sick of it!!!

I have nowhere to go, but that's not new to me because all I do is sit in front of my laptop anyways. What fucks with me is the fact that I can't go out whenever I feel like; I feel like a caged animal, and it is messing with my head.

Nigeria has been largely untroubled by the Pandemic, with a little over 100 cases recorded and one unfortunate casualty. You'd think that would be reassuring, but I'm just going to level up with you by saying I DON'T TRUST THOSE NUMBERS.

It's not about being Anti-government, but more about this Government's reputation of propaganda and flat out lies in controlling the narrative. The NCDC has been tooting their horn about their attempts to curb the spread of the Pandemic, but with a large part of the population still living in intentional denial of the situation, I reckon that they have a long way to go.

The perspectives

To give you a perspective of what a reasonable section of the population think, I'll use the word Christians that send weird Whatsapp broadcasts about how this Pandemic is THE apocalypse, God's wrath or something on that line. This part of the population doesn't necessarily see the situation in the traditional way and have made peace with God, Allah, or whatever they call their deity. There are a lot of people that have this view, and I'm pretty sure you have people that think the same way as well.

Then there is the race card that's presumably based on "statistics". According to another section of people that mostly coincide with the first, Coronavirus "doesn't kill black people". Their argument is simple and delightfully stupid, the virus can't handle black man blood.

I know a few people that are petrified because they've spent way too much time on the internet, and I don't blame them. Being a Nigerian means, you have to worry about impending danger, but at the same time, you have to worry about the Government. Seriously, those guys are never far away from making a silly decision, and if you ask people like @nonsowrites @mistakili @josediccus and other members of the Nigeria Hive community, I'm pretty sure you'll find out that the Government represent the main threat to our safety.

The last set of people are perhaps my favourite of the bunch and is a category that some of the old folks around here fall into. According to them, the virus doesn't exist. To this sect, the virus is an internet sensation like @trumpman's dog playing a keyboard or something like that.

So close, yet so far.

Well, I'm corona free...for now at least. I really don't know for how long because let's face it; we're screwed. I reside in Kaduna State, and the governor tested positive, but he's asymptomatic, so he's going to be fine. A few hours later, two others were tested positive, taking the number to three. Considering we're only 2 hours North of the Country's capital that's currently on a 14-day lockdown, I expect a reactive decision that will adversely affect the poor people.

The idea of lockdown in Nigeria isn't exactly feasible because we're miserable. Yet the Government went ahead to institute a 14-day lockdown in Lagos and Abuja, that was mentioned in the President's cringe-worthy, zombie-esque address that was more lifeless than a corpse. The idea is to 'curb" the spread of the virus, but I'm pretty certain it will lead to things worse than getting sick; I hope I'm wrong because I have loved ones in affected areas.

The "Positives"

Being negative is positive, let's chuck that one up to Jesus, okay? The World might be ending, and I'd like to be in His good books. Other than Jesus getting closer to my heart, I've been a lot more consistent with exercise.

I might have let myself go
The arm still got form though

I'll be uploading daily photos to show the result of my fitness routine that basically involves pushups, curls, yoga positions, and different types of squats.

Moving away from my fat ass, coronavirus pandemic has weirdly strengthened the usually dysfunctional bond in my family. As mentioned in my Hive Introduction, I'm from a family of 8 kids, and while everyone may be grown up, there's some "friction" and internal bickering between my siblings. All the beef has taken the back seat though, and now everyone's focused on COVID; I don't remember the last time we were all united like this and I'm not gonna lie, I half expect it to go back to the shitters once the Government coverup for COVID is published and "normalcy" resumes. Thank you, COVID.

In Summary

I'm stuck at home like I'd normally be, but just the knowledge of the fact that I can't go out when I want to is actually fucking with my head. My biggest problem with the situation is being locked up at home likesome zoo animal, and then there's also the fact that I can't hug or shake people anymore because of the social distance thing. I must admit, though, I still interact normally with my Landlord's kids and my temporary flatmate.

I'm also sick of being compounded with so much information, hot takes and gist about the same topic. I mean, I have nothing wrong with a few lame internet trends and jokes and stuff, but I mean, I'm really sick of the theories, conspiracy theories and unfounded stories surrounding the virus.

Oh yeah, and one more thing, if you're stuck at home right now, reading this and participating in one of those lame internet trends, you're not ESSENTIAL :p. No, seriously, reach out to Doctors, security agencies, food merchants and everybody on the front line. They're the real heroes.

This is an entry for the #quarantinelife initiative hosted by @theycallmedan



Well i hope that it will be eased up soon, because if it isn't I think the people of certain countries will revolt and then it could get ugly.

In Nigeria, the military has already started molesting civilians.
I don't understand how or why the military are even involved.

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