Getting Over(Story) Part Two: The Meet and Greet with Fate

in #stach7 years ago

The night after was a rather long one, I replayed the events of the day over and over in my head, working out where I went wrong and thinking up what I'd have done differently in hind sight; feeling defeated and licking my wounds, I was a sad man conjuring a master plan.

The universe is rife with mysteries, perplexing to me and will be till I die; I can't for the life of me accept why its called the milky way when there's obviously no milk in space, what are the cosmos and why do Chelsea fans always have to be so annoying? I had questioned religion and beliefs and human existence but all these meant nothing to me at this moment. The moment I got a second opportunity, a second chance if you may, at seeing her again.
I and my brother were scheduled to go return some artifacts to her mum, its worth noting that at this point, I didn't know the person was her mum, in all honesty, her mum was a lady I'd known my whole life and arbitrarily assumed was my aunt. On that blessed day, we made our way to where they lived, my brother drove the Corolla while I unwillingly rode shotgun with him, I only went along because of other errands. We parked somewhere along their street, I'd been to that street a thousand times but never to visit "my aunt".
Just like clockwork, which is also another mystery, I saw her from afar, smiling as she weaved through the crowded street, exchanging pleasantries with other pedestrians, I saw a goddess. What was she doing here? Why was she intently walking towards us? How was my hair? My skin turned clammy and I got so squirmy, I wasn't prepared for this but I guess that's exactly how fate works. I will never understand these mysteries but maybe, just maybe, I was never meant to anyways.

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