USA trust in media is the lowest in the world at 29%

in #news3 years ago

I'm not shocked by the trust level being so low, I'm shocked by the fact that even 29% of the people have any trust in the media. I'm guessing that a lot of those people are so blinded by their partisan beliefs that they really want to believe that their choice of media is trustworthy rather than actually believing that it is. Someone who exclusively watches Fox or only looks at Breitbart articles probably has a staunchly conservative bias and this is to be expected, the same way that someone who watches CNN and reads Vox would probably be staunchly liberal - this is also expected.

What is not expected, is for you to be such and ingoray-moose that you actually think that what you are being told is the truth, rather than this particular person being a mouthpiece for a political movement of some sort.


This has been dropping for a while now but I think that if people were being totally honest that the 29% figure that this recent poll came up with is much higher than what it actually true. I can't think of many people, regardless of their political affiliation that actually believe that the media is being honest. There is a difference between the truth and what you really want to be true.

The recent poll covered 46 countries on 6 continents and the USA finished dead last in trust in the media. Finland finishes first with 65%. Great news for Finland I guess - maybe their media is just a lot better at hiding their bias? I have a hard time imagining the press anywhere in the world not having an agenda but then again, I've never been to Europe, let alone Finland.

"Worryingly, our data also show a historic decline in interest in the news overall,"

Well guys, what did you expect would happen after years of obvious lies and partisanship? There is literally no news station in America that is not easily identifiable as being affiliated with one of the two major parties and furthermore, it seems as though almost anything can be turned into something political. The way that the pandemic was handled quickly became a partisan thing, social issues rapidly became partisan, energy, education, vacation destinations... you name it, it has been politicized in one way or another and your news station of choice is going to portray it in an "echo chamber" way that only further entrenches you in your beliefs and these beliefs could actually be dreadfully wrong.


Let's take these two jackaloons for example: You can choose a topic, any topic and if said topic can even remotely be considered political in any way, I already know what their end result is going to be. You can't count on either one of them to actually give you the news and I like the way that Russell Brand said about this, and I am paraphrasing but he said something along the lines of "Going to Racheal Maddow for political opinions is like going to Ronald McDonald for opinions on the food at Burger King." The same can be said for Tucker Carlson or basically anyone else that has a show on any of the networks.

Hell, even the "trust in the media" thing was immediately made political as the media attempted to paint this distrust in the media as only being a conservative thing.


I really don't know how anyone out there can look at the news today and with a straight face suggest to anyone else that there is anything factual about what is going on there. There are no news reports anymore, just opinions of people with very one-sided points of view on almost anything. I pity the people that get their information from these sources but then again, I struggle to think of any American news station or publication that isn't biased. I don't think there are any. I kind of gave up looking for them.

These days I think more and more people aren't bothering with the news anymore and that could be a good thing or a bad thing. If they decide to fill that void with social media opinions then that is even worse. Maybe they could use that time to get a new hobby, plant a garden, hell, even playing video games would probably be a better use of your time.


These days I just prefer to ignore most of what is said by all of the news stations. Where are you 29% of people that actually trust the media? I know one or two people who believe a particular news station and they are generally regarded as the dumbest people at the bar. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the rest of this 29% are also in the same level of intelligence.


The news is like a sponsored show only showing what the station choses.

29% aye? its the old saying with some people
if its on TV it must be real...

It makes me wonder though: Was it always this way and we are only recently becoming aware of it? or have things really changed that much in the past 4 years?

Makes me wonder what would happen if the internet went off for a month

Riots worldwide?

I think people would experience great difficulty in coordinating a riot if messengers were all of a sudden disabled. But government and police are just as addicted to social media as anyone else so they might join in the fray!

I do not consult any "news" sources. As a result, I don't even know when terrible weather is on its way. Individuals, such as yourself, are my sources now. Thank you for doing the work.

I know lots of people who love either Tucker or Rachel. Seems to me 29% is low. Polls are bullshit anyway.

It's very good to seek personalities that provide great information and provide some of their own opinions. Mainstream news is truly garbage.

polls are bullshit. I suspect that they determine beforehand what they want the results to be and then make enough calls or do enough surveys until that becomes their truth... or they just make it up, it's not like anyone is going to check.

I genuinely feel bad for anyone that believes any news in USA right now though.... Right or Left.

Agreed! If they are broadcasting on MSM, they are controlling us, keeping us exactly 50-50 politically, which supports the status quo.
Polls are run the same way studies on new drugs are run. Total BS. Do not take any new drugs, meaning anything that went on the market after 1990, maybe even earlier. Do take any if you can, including and maybe especially, anything OTC.

My trust in mainstream media is practically non-existent as it pertains to political issues. The major networks truly exposed themselves when Trump was president and their mistreatment of him and their blatant favoritism towards the Black Lives Matter insurrectionists was just absolutely disgusting. Fox News also isn't a reliable source, yet they are nowhere near as bad as CNN, MSNBC, NBC and ABC News. It's truly sad that Americans haven't woken up to their propaganda yet.

thankfully I think that most people have woken up and are tuning out. The bad news is that many of these same people are looking to Twitter or telegram channels for their echo chamber updates and that is just as bad if not worse.

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