Sorry, but I don't really care about the Trump raid in Florida

in #news2 years ago

Every time something happens involving the government I always have my suspicions about why it is happening. When Trump's house or resort or whatever it is was raided by the FBI at first I was surprised but then, because of the media circus and their very predictable reaction to it, I quickly lost all interest.

There is talk about how this was a publicity stunt to steer the public eye away from other things like Hunter Biden or Epstein and I don't even know if any of that is true. The partisanship of the media and most people on social media makes it very difficult to determine what is true and what isn't. I saw an old quote the other day where someone said "I would rather be uninformed than misinformed" and I totally agree with that statement.

Seeing as how you would get kicked off of social media for even suggesting what the CDC is now admitting is true just goes to show that unless you know exactly where to look, there isn't going to be a source that can be trusted on really anything that happens in government and politics.


Before I totally tuned out I got the basics. The FBI was there trying to get some classified documents that quickly turned into nuclear documents in a day's time. I didn't stick around long enough to discover if anything of substance was actually found because I knew that no matter what was found, even if it was nothing, that one side of the news was going to be claiming it was "everything" and the other side was going to say it was "nothing."

It continues to be a very frustrating part of the news or even information gathering in the United States that creates the sort of apathy that I have towards current events in America. You aren't going to get the truth, so why waste your time even looking.


Trump has made enemies like nobody in US politics has ever managed to even come close to. He also has managed to gather unprecedented levels of support from voters at the same time. He is also very good at turning bad publicity into good publicity and I don't think that this raid, unless they find a tied up Obama in the house, is going to result in anything bad happening to the guy. He is too connected and people that connected don't go down for crimes, even if they did do them.

Because of the media's absolutely trash track record in the past 6 years I just immediately assume that whatever they are saying is a lie or at the best, selective use of information to only tell the side of the story that they want you to know. For me, it is just easier to tune out because honestly, how does this information actually help anyone? It manages only to make people more upset than they already are and while I don't experience it so much in my rather calm and conservative community, other places are back to losing their damn minds over something they have little to no control over.

Is the government being dirty in this endeavor? Well that much is a given. I believe that almost all government is evil to the core and the rules they create only apply to the plebs like me and you.

I watched the news on this for a couple of hours during the few days after it happened and said to myself "what the hell are you doing?" because the various news agencies were just saying the same things over and over again. I would like to believe that actual justice is going to come from this but come on guys, this is the US government we are talking about. They have managed to accomplish nothing but war and taxes the entire time I have been alive and that isn't going to change now.

For me, I would rather focus on why the hell my tomato plants absolutely refuse to make any tomatoes.


While I understand your indifference, I'm somehow worried. Considering what the FBI has ignored in the past years - and always around election time - calls that it's getting even for partisan are justified

maybe I should have worded that slightly different though. I am always worried about government overreach and I want as little of it as possible. Not just in my own life but everyone else's as well. I don't think anything will happen to Trump and he is a master of using the media. I read an article about an hour ago that this move, if it was a political one - it certainly appears as though it was - has backfired badly on the FBI and Dems in general. Now all of a sudden the fear of a corrupt government has taken on an entirely new and real meaning.

FBI is basically the American Stasi. Aside from busting the occasional pedo their fishing expeditions (not investigations) are politically motivated and they have almost unlimited surveillance to do so (i.e. national security letters, indefinite searches, bulk data collection and parallel construction). One of the few redeeming qualities of Trump is that he exposed their real MO and not the white washed lies told by mocking bird media.

The first thing you need to understand is that Trump did not pack any of the boxes leaving the white house so he could not have intentionally removed classified material.

On your last sentence: Of course he didn't pack the boxes. That guy is important and powerful enough that he probably never packs anything at all. I don't think that this whole situation is working out the way that the people who organized it would have hoped. Not at all. The media doesn't really even seem to want to try to defend it at this point because public opinion, even among people who really hate the guy, is mostly not in support of it.

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