Allow me to Re-Introduce Myself

It's your boy OG. Damn it feels good to be on STEEMIT, Dtube, D-Live.
Confession: First off, I do NOT know how to blog, format a blog etc. Second, I don't understand how steem works yet. But here goes everything...

Who Am I?

I Am Owen aka O.G.


  • I love people..I believe in people..and think that we are AMAZING when we stop trying to be someone else.
  • My daughter thinks I'm amazing..because I've been whispering it into her little ears from the day she was born..scratch that..I was telling her that even before she "got out"..

  • My Son spent the first 4 years of his life ignoring me, Now he won't leave me alone. (And I pretend to be bothered by It)

  • My wife (of 10+years) is my best friend, but she's also messed up my life. I've completely forgotten how to take care of myself the last 10 years..but I love her for it.

  • I have a hard time figuring out why most people spend the majority of their lives doing things they hate with people they can barely stand. Stop it people

  • I BELIEVE in doing almost the opposite of what the masses are doing....which means I Increase my chances of living a happy and successful life by about 2,347%..I love that number.

  • I'm constantly torn between living the life of a rebel "artist" and the life of a traditional conformist..the rebel is winning more and more these days.

  • I'm a MASSIVE Dreamer..Learning to take the limitations off to Dream Bigger..and more Selfless Dreams.

  • I currently go to bed around 3 and get up no earlier than 9..I work from home..and WHEN I shower, I often don't shower till around 4p.m...I shave bi-monthly..but this helps to cut-back on carbon emissions from my clippers..Gotta Go Green.

  • I keep a tight schedule..unless I don't want to do what's on my schedule..then I don't really follow it..but I still get my stuff done.

  • I'm a chameleon..I can be a lot of different people to a lot of different people...I just have to remember what my original "color" is so I don't lose myself.

  • I was offered my first plea-bargain in 7th grade.."If you remove him from our school..we won't kick him out"..I wasn't that bad..just "misunderstood."

  • I'm a recovering facebook addict and can honestly say @Steemit and @dtube are my new drug of choice.

  • I'm a "people person" that really values being away from people...I yearn for true, authentic connections with people, and have been blessed to have made a few. One of my goals here on @Steemit is to meet and connect with more genuine, diverse, groups of people. This space is "original". More on that later.

  • I'm a bit of an idealist..this keeps me fighting for what I believe is right.

  • Don't argue with me..because as a middle child with two brothers, it's one of the skills I've mastered over the years.

  • I'm scared of the future..but excited about it's pleasant unpredictability.

  • I'm passionate about music as a medium for communicating positive, strong, messages...but have not created much recently..I'm hoping I find the courage to make that change.

  • I believe that in life..we start off with BIG BALLS...then as time passes..they get smaller and smaller. Balls are supposed to grow with age..this is my belief.

  • Speaking of Balls..I love basketball and was a pretty good player at one I mostly look like I ate one.

  • I'm a Laker Lovin, Former Sports Fanatic..

  • I'm Canadian, but rarely watch hockey and don't eat bacon...and please don't ask me to say "aye" after my sentences aye. Considering a move back North to Ontario or BC. If you're from there, convince me why I should come home.
    Update I just became a naturalized U.S. Citizen, so now I'm a dual-citizen. Yeeaa!!!

  • I'm afraid of who I'm capable of being.."our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are POWERFUL beyond measure"...I'm facing this fear every day and will come out a winner.

  • I don't like most jobs..I gotta be honest..I look at people with their boundless creativity, intelligence with the capacity to expand infinitely..and see people living frustrated, mediocre existences..purely because they lack the confidence in themselves. Getting no confirmation or affirmation of their own GENIUS they labor for 40+ yrs receiving only what is allowed them and occasionally what they ask for (raise). Only to die with a heart full of regrets of what coulda, shoulda, woulda..Trading our Dreams and purpose..for a check. Trading our most critical values..relationships and desires..for a check, notoriety, social status..This is NOT a criticism..just breaks my heart. But if you can find a great one. Kick ass at it.

  • I know that part of my life mission is to be an example, to free people from the Matrix. I will use the weapons of Social Entrepreneurship, Fine Arts, and Technology to unlock the powers of the mind, body, and soul. Peace and Love.

  • The more I type..the more I realize how many layers we all have, and how virtually impossible it is to describe oneself in an "About Me" or Introduction post, but hopefully this should give you enough to know if I'm worth "the follow" :) (@becomeahustler)

My Intentions on STEEM (My Content)

I am a student first, teacher second.
In my life, I've found that I've had my best results when I've made myself the ultimate student.

So In this blog, I want to

  1. Take on the challenge of being a public guinea pig as I test out
    a. Ways to make location independent income
    b. Explore Techniques and Strategies to rapidly test and grow business concepts.
    c. Best practices/methods for investing/growing passive income (cryptocurrency, real-estate, day-trading etc)
    d. Reducing expenses through Geo-arbitrage
    e. Self-Discipline and Motivation
  2. Network and meet
    a. Digital Nomads
    b. Crypto Enthusiasts (True Believers, not just money-making opportunist) ;)
    c. Weird People who just see the world differently and seek out having their worldview turned upside down
    d. People who experiment with unconventional interpersonal relationships
    1. i.e. Unique parenting styles
    2. Open Relationships
    3. Things I can't think of or am unaware of.
    e. Doctors, Natural Health Practitioners, Health Hackers with no Title that get results
    f. Traveling Families
    g. Homeschooling Parents/Families
    h. Filmmakers
    i. Artists and Producers
    j. Entrepreneurs of all types

This community seems to have it all, so I'm sure I'll be adding more "interesting" people to the list.

2018 Objectives (Steem-DTube)

  • Goal #1 Gain 1000 Steem/DTube Followers in 45 days. #HelpMeHelpYou :)
  • 150 Posts in 45 Days
  • Build Location Independent Revenue Streams
    • 5 5-figure/month income streams
  • Travel 6 months of the year
  • Improved Health/Dietary Progress(Go "Plant Based")
  • Produce/Write/Create a record on Spotify/Itunes/Soundcloud etc


I'm going to go on a 365 Day Challenge, but broken up into 120 Day segments. Since we're already 35 days into the new year, I'll make it 3 "110 Day" segments.
I'm challenging myself to produce content daily. It may be 1 blog and 1 video per day, or if I really have somethings on my mind, I may post several times/day.

I'll be tracking (For STEEM)

  • "followers" (so feel free to follow me at @becomeahustler) if I seem interesting enough. ;)
  • Total Income Earned
  • Average Daily/Post Income

I may add more things to track as I learn this platform and what the important KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) are.
Somethings aren't measurable, but are valuable, so I'll be experiencing and sharing the value I receive in that regard too.

To get the full STEEMIT experience, I expect that I'll be making significant content on Dtube, so please search and subscribe to me there as well.

Anyways, this is an #Introduceyourself post so I'll shut up now. :)

#introduceyourself, Leave a comment, ask me anything and let me know how my first blog was.


Your post was amazing. What type of cool topics are you going to write about?
Followed and Upvoted!
(Follow me and we can improve the community together at Steemit. I hold daily draws to help new users!)

Hey @precision...Crypto, personal development, entrepreneurship, personal finance, travel(digital nomad) to name a few. I'll check out your stuff for sure.

Wow @becomehustler you have such an awesome family..

@Kofibeatz Thanks man. They are my world. What's going on with you?

Life's good stunner. I'm out here in South Africa cryping as hard as I can. Don't have kids, but I'm using these crypts to prepare myself..

That's what's up man? Y'all going to be good with that water shortage coming? I hope to visit South Africa one day soon. Bless.

There's no water shortage here homez. It's Cape Town that is struggling. I'm in Johannesburg. Cape Town is just a small part of S.A. The media wants everyone to think that we revolve around Cape Town, the land of the former colonists.. ;)

You should visit anytime @becomeahustler, because your dollar makes a holiday this side very cheap. We need each and every single African American back home homie..

Hello becomeahustler, welcome to Steemit! :-)

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