The biggest day of my life.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


When I was a child. I was so naive that I run for my dear life whenever I sight any force personel. My beleif was that they are dangerous people because of the ammunitions they carry, and their ways of tackling matters I never knew was against the law as at then.
Most people around me do make jest of me, but it never occured to me that I was only acting childishly. Instead, I ponder over why they are so bold not to have run for their dear life seeing those men with heavy guns. I concluded in my mind that they are just not as wise as I was.
The worst part that I also flee when I see the youth coppers. Though Ive never seen them with any ammunitions, I had the belief that they are more wise to have hidden it somewhere in their sleeves, or combat. I played this childisg=h game for lon until I was wise enough to know that I've been a fucking jerk running from theses people from hge onset. It was embarrassing, but
never a course.

I got to know that youth coppers were never militarty personel. They are graduates serving their mother land


After many years of playing my childish game, I got to know that the coppers I've been hidding from were just normal people who could not hunt or hurt an ant. That was when I realized how sweet and respectful it is to be a youth copper. Every body in my locality respect and adore them. They are reffered to as the government children. The respect people accord to them is super. On noticing this, I began to cherish them.
When I asked my parents how these people became a youth copper, they gave me a detailed explanation on how it all played out. MY dad started by saying "You need to face your studies if you want to wear that uniform one day" He continued "It will take you several years to achieve that dream, but if you can start doing well in your academics from your primary level, till you get to secondary, and finish the tartiary education, you will be like those people you cherish.
The sermon entered my head, and I never allow it to slip away.

My journey through first tatiary and my drop out

The journey through achieving my dream of childhood wasn't easy. My dream was to wear a youth copper uniform and serve my country. I wasn't thinking of any other thing than to pass, get the fuck out of school and wear the uniform. Though, at some point I had other dreams, that was something I couldnt forfeit for anything.
I got admission into a polytechnic in 2011, and dropped out after a year due to some challenges. I was so devasated that I thought my dream has been shattered, but at the cross road when I thought the lamp of confusion would make me derail, I discovered a new path. The following year, I got an admission into a university, and that marks the beginning of my journey to achieving my dream of wearing the youth copper uniform.

At the university

I had a nice and tough time in the university trying to pass all my courses not to have an extral year. After many years of constant progress, I was on the podium celebtrating my graduation.

My convocation

That wasn't my memorable day. I was glad and overwhelmed that I made it through without a single carry over from year one. A couple of my friends spilled over, and some were rusticated due to unbearable failure, but I had the chance to graduate at the appropriate time. It was a thing of joy, and I reallly was happy for the victory.

Now the biggest day of my life


After the whole school story, it was time to get the uniform on. Yes! I've been waiting for this a long time. The day I recieved my call up leter was like a marriage proposal. I was over joyous knowing that I'm a few step close to when I will finally wear my youth copper uniform. When I told my parnts about it, they were happy and they prayed for me at lenght.


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I was posted to lagos for camping. I met many people who had the same mind set as mine. It was more of a celebration than serving our mother land at the camp. I can't start to explain how I felt on that day. A dream of childhood was accomplished after many failure. It wasn't easy looking at the financial issues, and some other battles I fought, but to God be the glory, I accomplished my dream.
What else could be the biggest day of my life? Maybe when I secure a job at shell, NNPC, or when I'm walked down the hassel, or when I give birth to my beloved MB.

I know there are more huge memorable days ahead, but for now, that is the day I consider as the biggest day of my life.
Thank you.



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