in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Time passes so quickly, it seems such a crime,
Asmus Clockenbull refused to accept the concept of time.
Just because it was said that a day had passed.
By planet activity, and time keeper’s blast.
Why did it mean that things had indeed changed.
How could so many things be rearranged?
Simply because there had been day and night.
And simply because everyone said it was right.
So he decided to get rid of all watches and clocks,
They were only good for time passing shocks.
And as for the difference between night and day.
“It must simply be ignored,” Was what Asmus did say.

Should anyone now, enquire of his age,
He would get quite annoyed, even a rage.
“Since time is a concept I choose to ignore.”
“I never bothered with such trivialities, not now, not before.”
“When I’m hungry I eat, when I’m thirsty I drink.”
“When I’m tired I sleep, what do you think?”
“In winter it’s cold, in Summer it’s hot.”
“Extremes in temperature I don’t like a lot.”
“But what is it, if it’s not about time?”
“To be so concerned about time is a crime.”

Asmus was asked how long he’d be living,
He responded to this with no misgiving.
“Since a pre-prescribed age I won’t reach,”
“Or be aware of it, as the world does teach.”
“I’ll just go on, as I am now,”
“Working sometimes by the sweat of my brow.”
“But how do you catch a bus, or even a train?”
“Do you know enough, to even come out of the rain?”
Asmus was time-less. That was a fact.
Of course he’d know just how to act.

Asmus had heard smart people say,
“If you travel far enough East, you lose a day.”
“It has to do with the International Date Line,”
So it appeared to be extraordinarily fine.
A way not to only ignore a time debit,
But to ADD time to your span, a time credit!
He saw that if he left Sydney, say,
He could arrive in Los Angeles that same day.
Not only the same day, after a very long flight.
But the same TIME. It was so very all right.
“If I could afford it, I could do it time and again,”
“I’d never have to worry about being old in my brain.”
As we know, this concept is a fallacy,
What’s won is lost, travelling West, you see?

Asmus is now old and grey,
Not keeping time, to this very day.
When now asked, “What age are you?”
He responds, without further ado,
“I’m as old as I feel, which is not too bad.”
“In earlier days, I was a bit of a lad,”
“But now it is, “off with all bets”,
“I say that how I feel, is as good as it gets!”



Hi @beastlybanter as always an uttermost delight to peruse your poems.

Thank you for your comment.

So he decided to get rid of all watches and clocks,
They were only good for time passing shocks

I love that.

To visit Australia and probably live there is my dream.

Hopefully one day it'll come true.

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