in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Gratitude is most difficult to reimburse,
When it comes to the ministrations of a nurse.
Nurses, for good reason are highly renowned,
For the help they give sick folk who sadly abound.
Some nurses may be more kindly than others,
Many, besides nurses, are also mothers.
Most remain cheerful doing most revolting jobs,
Doing unmentionable things to fat slobs.
But, in true nursing fashion,
Nurses are rarely short on compassion.

Nurse Audrey Armbuster worked the night shift.
She had a sturdy build and so she could lift.
The most robust patients up in their bed,
Or even their cadavers if they were dead.
Enemas were, for her, a speciality,
She was paid, of course, not doing them free.
And, perhaps, you could say even worse,
Emptying bed pans, that’s a real curse.
But never a grumble, or even a groan,
And never leaving patients too long alone.
She was a champ, no doubt of that,
One patient she had was a bit of a brat.
He loved to press that Nurse Call buzzer,
So poor Audrey was thrown into a fuzzer.
Dashing right in for really no reason,
No apology given, or if you please on,
Audrey making enquiry as to just why,
The Nurse Call buzzer was pressed by this guy.

This patients name, it transpired, was Theodore,
And he had been operated on and was quite sore
But seemed to think it enormous fun,
To press the buzzer just to see Audrey run,
One day another nurse happened to be on duty,
And she was quite slim, a borderline beauty.
But she had less tolerance than Audrey did.
And she reckoned this patient was not the full quid.
So she booked him in for an emergency enema.
To be performed by several nurses with stamina,
In fact, every time Theodore now pressed the bell,
These stalwart nurses came to give him hell!
Even Theodore finally worked out,
That it was not wise to buzz or shout.
Unless there was a real reason that did exist,
And that didn’t include a desire to be kissed.

Theodore was close to ready to be checked out,
It was not that he was better, but such a lout.
That his removal from the ward was expedited.
His rapid recovery reason was cited.
As frequent forced enemas on a daily basis,
The doctor, to the Medical Journal, did write of such cases.
In fact it became a procedure given to all,
Patients who did not enthral,
The nurses who had to look after these,
Especially if they were really obese.



very funny this poem a great screenplay for a comic film and you have perfectly described what happens in the departments of hospitals around the world. The enema as a therapy for hypochondriacs and imaginary patients, lol

Your decerning comments are appreciated and on the button as usual. Thanks Richard.

Theodore was a practical joker, but the joke ended up being on him.
Very funny.😃

Hospitals are full of Theodore's.

Hypochondriacs beware! Of course, they don’t really give unnecessary procedures – that is malpractice – at least, it is in the States. But, anyone whose dealt with a chronic hypochondriac can dream…

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