in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Otto had been feeling poorly, of late,
He imagined everyone was overloading his plate.
It became, all of a sudden, really too much.
At unexpected sounds, his collar he’d clutch,
Was it someone he knew, perhaps such-and-such?
Fritz had said, “Otto, just because you’re paranoid too,”
“Doesn’t mean they’re all out to get you!”
And so they both wound up at the German Club,
Which was a safety zone for the Otto/Fritz hub.

Otto wondered if the Secret Police,
Might have heard that Fritz had had fleas,
For them this could be a misdemeanour,
Everyone knew well that Fritz could be cleaner.
The two of them each sat with a half empty Stein,
And each, to the other, their thoughts did opine.
“I remember when I worked for Hans Shieskopf,”
“He accused me of thieving as my hat I did doff.”
“Perhaps, to the authorities, he had dobbed me in,”
“But surely he couldn’t think me guilty of sin.”
“All I did was to gobble some of his ware,”
“To say such is thieving, just wouldn’t be fair!”
Just as they had ordered a nice German wine,
After having finished their beer Stein,
The Club Manager came over saying, “Hey you two.”
“I hope you remember, your membership fees are now due.”
Said Otto, “There they go again, always at me,”
“Not for a moment, from worries, am I free!”
Said Fritz, “You always think people are picking on you,”
“Don’t forget, they pick on me too!”
“They pursue me with enmity and ill-treatment.”
“And here I am, a most honourable gent.”
Otto rejoined, “A persecution complex is what we suffer.”
“With me young and handsome, you an old duffer.”
And so they continued along this vein,
Until it became time to order again!

otto overwhelmed.png


Another Otto and Fritz masterpiece😂 love it!

More Otto to come. Thank you for your comment.

Lovrl drawing....i love dear friend beastlybanter

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