Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for [@yousafharoonkhan]


Centralized social networks differences with Decentralized social networks.

Hello my steemiats this week has been a bit complicated for me, but I have already taken a little free time to be able to answer the teacher's task @yousafharoonkhan this task we will talk about something that many people may not know about, we will talk about decentralized social networks and We will compare with centralized social networks like Facebook and twitter, which everyone knows, this is part of the task of the 5th week of the crypto Academy.

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words. from other source copy will be not accepted)

A centralized social network is one where all the power of the network is held by a single person, or group of people and they have control over what can be published and what other things cannot, as well as the power to delete accounts, and deny the access to people who do not meet the standards that they impose.

While a decentralized social network is completely the opposite, in this type of social network, those who filter information and separate malicious users or who do not share anything relevant is the same community since there is no regulatory entity that controls that it can be and that cannot be published, this type of network is more transparent since each user is part of this community that encourages quality content and rejects content that is copyrighted or not liked by the public.

The differences between these two Networks are notable since centralized social networks power is held by a small group of people, something that everyone is clear about since there is an owner and everyone has to abide by the guidelines of this owner, in the Decentralized social networks the opposite occurs since there is total freedom and those who filter unwanted content is the same community that by not giving this content a go-ahead, they separate the user who shares these things and that discourages them from continuing to publish.

Another difference between these social networks is that in the centralized ones it is flooded with invasive advertising, always offering you products that, even if you don't believe it, if you are interested and that is because these networks use your information and to create a database to create an algorithm created to each user and thus know what tastes each person has and then spoil it with advertising that of course interests him since the software recognizes the tastes of each person. something that does not happen in decentralized networks since they lack advertising, since they are not necessary to support the web because it does not have a specific owner.

One of the most notorious differences is that decentralized social networks now with this boom in cryptocurrencies and blockchain are capable of self-sustaining and providing economic support for the people who publish there on a daily basis, and if what happens is that now you are Social networks are capable of generating cryptocurrencies and they are distributed among users, and this is something new because the old social networks such as facebook and instagram twitter do not do this, unless you are hired by a company that has nothing to do with them. social media,

In conclusion, decentralized social networks are gaining ground every day and now more with the arrival of cryptocurrencies because now these social networks like steemit mine their own coins with the simple fact of creating quality publications.

Which One is The Future of Social media? Decentralized or centralized Social media. (Answer must be written in own words)

Of the two systems, the one that has the most future are decentralized social networks since they have joined the euphoria of blockchain this gives more security to its users and the obligation to have generous monthly income, depending on the things that these networks publish. Decentralized social networks are the future of social networks, since they are always innovating and adapting to new emerging technologies, something that does not happen with centralized social networks that have remained stagnant with their same system and do not seek to diversify their actions on the web .

The future of centralized social networks is getting worse since every day it loses users, because it has become somewhat monotonous where people publish and nobody reacts to these publications, the only publications that have a reaction are publications of influential people, But a normal person has a hard time getting their publication seen, since these influencers pay for their content to be seen in advertising mode in all corners of the world, of course all this depends on how much money is invested since these systems are paid for web impressions. I mean, the more money you pay, the more advertising is shown to the general public.

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook. (Answer must be written in own words)

Steemit is better because it is a social network that runs under a chain of blocks, something that gives it enviable security, not to mention the transparency it has, since it can be 100% auditable, in steemit you can earn money rather than in facebook or twitter can only be achieved if you are hired by a company aljea to these social networks, another thing for which steemit is better is that the content that is shared on this network is new and fresh content where it teaches people new and novel things In this social network if you want to learn something, I'm sure you will find it, if you only want to share a moment of divorce, you can do it, if you like music, you can find many people who are making their own music and uploading it, in end all the communities covered by the social network steem is well worked and has content that is updated every day.

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users? (Answer must be written in own words)

Steemit has changed the lives of many people since it offers a unique system that runs on a chain of blocks where each post is restarted or curated by accounts with great power that translates into money, I have seen people who post daily and do a lot money, and it is that in steemit you can earn money by publishing things, as long as you do not break copyright laws, your post will be restarted with money that you can withdraw later in steem, which is the main currency of the social network, well and we all know how The pandemic has destroyed not only human lives, but jobs, and these jobs were important for these people, since they could bring food home thanks to this work, and when the pandemic arrived, everything fell apart, until they met steemit and have found a revolutionary new way to earn money from home and having fun since most people have fun every time they post and since go they are much happier when they receive a payment for their publication that they have doubts that steem is changing everyone's lives, it is because they have not tried.

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media. (Write your own experience)

To earn money in steemit it is easy since you earn money creating publications, and our publication when receiving positive votes from other people, these votes automatically become money, since this will depend on the quality of your publication and the number of people who give you votes in favor, there are votes you must that sometimes they do not generate much money but there are other votes from people called curators that are worth a lot of money, these curators are always reviewing new publications, and if you have actually shared quality content you will surely receive a I vote in your favor of these curators. These votes can be from 1 dollar up to 100 dollars. So as you see if it is worth entering steemit and starting to publish, since if this social network becomes widespread, we can all earn more money since the number of votes received by the publications would be greater.

How to create communities on Steemit social media (practicle step by step) & Promote your homework post on two social media, twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

  • First of all we are going to give you a clip to show more communities this is done as soon as we log in and we are on the main page of steemit since it is the easiest way to find this button.

comunidad 1.png

Let's do a clip on creating community.

comunitdad 2.png

Well here we are going to fill in all the data that they ask us as the title of the community, a brief description of the community and we give the next button.


Here you will give us our username and password of the newly created community, it is advisable to keep this password well since if it is lost the administration of the created community will be lost. After saving our password, it only remains to accept the terms of the contract and give it a clip to create a community.


It is very important to have 3 steem in our wallet, otherwise it will throw a transaction error.


Already here it shows us our community created to go to it and see the publications and manage it to give a clip where the image points.


To subscribe to the community give a clip where it says subscribe

and to post give clip in Post



To conclude this, it is necessary to know that decentralized social networks are few known but even so every day there are more people who join daily since they find it more attractive than centralized social networks. In these decentralized networks we have alternatives to almost all known social networks with the advantage that they are free and all of them can be monetized, something that does not happen with centralized social networks since they put a thousand and one obstacle to be able to generate money from them and Most of the time you work more than you charge, and they are not profitable at all. In the case of steemit, it is a very profitable social network where people who share good content can earn from 400 to 1000 dollars a month, of course it all depends on how much you invest in this social network and I'm not talking about time.



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 6

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