The Colorless CommutersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #undefined6 years ago

Today I Am The Colorless Commuter ..

I wish my wife well, place a kiss on her forehead and pour a cup of coffee. I take the first sip which will certainly wake my sleeping tongue. I begin to go over a checklist of thing I will need before embarking on my morning commute. I assure myself I have forgotten nothing. I remember I have, and soon begin to fumble around looking for whatever it is I am in need of. I pass by the steps to the second floor, with keys in hand. My puppies ponder my motions with sad eyes of displeasure. One last stroke to their tiny heads, a kiss goodbye, then I am off to brave this wild world aware and alone.

Just A Glimpse ..

Into my somewhat ordinary routine life. Not at all glamorous or electrifying, but nonetheless my own. I made a choice a few mornings ago to leave the house a little earlier than normal, in order to lightly document my travels to where I work. Just a few photographs, that’s all, so you can gather a broader picture of my environment. The environment from which I gather much of my inspiration when painting country and farm like landscape paintings. It’s been a while since I’ve carried my camera with me anywhere as well. I had to charge the battery, if that is any indication of how long its been.

During The Commute ..

I have the time to think a bit and often comment to myself how impressive the morning sky is, how happy the little farm structures look in the afternoon sun, or how deeply reflective the pavement looks after a brief rainstorm. I share these sights and thoughts with no person. I keep them to myself like visual gems. Would anyone appreciate these moments the same way as I do? I may never know, and that’s okay. In the light of day, they not really be all that great anyhow. Nevertheless, today I will pull back the curtains of my commute, and share a perspective of the ride in Black and White. I chose Black and White due to its ability to strip off my personal perspective and open the viewers imagination up to see what they will.

The First Stop ..

Of course I can not leave out the PUPPIES!! At this point I kissed my wife good day, burnt my tongue on my hot coffee, collected everything I could remember I needed, then made my habitual stop at the steps. Here the doggos are waiting and sad they are. They would rather I not work and just stay home while they sleep the day away; as if my presence is enough of an excuse to sleep the day away.

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Out The Door and Out Of Town ..

More recently I have been able to time it right and not hit the morning freight train that is passing through on the outskirts of town. Today was a good day.. No rusty, old, barely moving train in sight! However, there is a close second to it, if I am going to stick to old and rusty. There is a silo or containment vessel of sorts that sits near the tracks. This will do just fine as today's railroad specimen landmark.

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Now It’s Time To Hit The Open Road ..

With eyes wide open and mind alert. The path I travel is mostly rural with sprawling farm land and patches of woods here and there. It is not an uncommon thing these days for a deer to just dart out in front of my truck. I have had some pretty close calls recently and with the weather starting its change toward spring, I expect more of the same. Here we have that “open road” I speak of.. No one ahead and No one behind. A nice easy drive.

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I Round A Corner ..

Near a well established nursery. Here, along a endless fence line, there is ample room for me to pull over. I take a moment to leave the truck behind and enjoy the morning sunlight dancing within the densely scattered clouds. Absorbing this morning beauty breathes a new life into me.. Or maybe it is just the coffee kicking in.. who knows..

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Signs Of Winter ..

Are still standing tall and proud along my route. They are a subtle yet distinct in their approach to my eyes. Often I pass them by without a care or thought any different than any other. My mind drifting to what is waiting for me at work or what I want to eat when I get home later. She stands there by the roadway, close enough to remind me that she exists and has claimed that ground as her own. As I pass by, I slow down to a stop so I can snap my black and white memory. I see that her bark tells a story. On one side it has become thick and weathered. On the other side her bark is thinner and more vulnerable with deep scars most likely from a run in with a careless driver. Grrrrrrr ..

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Farms, Farms, and More Farms ..

There are sooooooo MANY farms here in ‘The Garden State’ of New Jersey. Some days it seems as though where one stops another begins. That’s okay I guess. We all have to eat.. Right? I won’t bore you with all the little details that are beckoning my call to their attention, but I will say that there is so much unappreciated beauty waiting to be discovered. I can see that a few farmers are not the most tidy when it comes to maintenance, repairs or storage of rusty equipment. I have grown to appreciate it, especially when I view it in Black and White. In this first shot, you’ll see what I am referring to; a silo no longer being used with only the framing of what used to be a barn, next to it.

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The Farm Photos Continue ..

There is this barn, so close to the road that I could almost touch it while traveling by it. It must have been here first, before the road. The white fence goes on forever and ever, or so it seems. Gosh.. I would hate to paint this thing!

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The Final Stop Before My Destination ..

On down the road a bit, and before I arrive at work, lies the house that goes with the barn. I think. I never did stop to ask.. I only assume.. Could I be wrong? I’m not stopping to ask, that’s for certain. I did stop to snap this cool shot though! I always thought it would be fun to live in a home like this. The people that live here probably complain about how drafty it is, or how the mice running around in the attic keep them up at night. I suppose I am content with my modern day home, rodent and draft free. I still think it would be fun. Lots of work, but fun!

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Well That’s It Folks ..

If you didn’t get enough, and want to find out about my journey home.. Just read this post backwards and you’ll pretty much have it. The only difference is that I won’t want the coffee and Molly and Pepper (My Doggos) will leap from the steps to greet me with kisses. I can’t wait! I miss them and my wife :-)


Thank You For Reading To The End. I Am Always Appreciative Of The Support!

If Your Interested In Purchasing Any Of My Work:

They can be found for sale in

My Facebook Shop


My Etsy Store

If you don't see the piece in either shop, It may still be drying. Let me know and I can upload it as soon as possible to be available. Or you can always make me an offer (in SBD or STEEM) in the comments section of this post. If we agree on a price, I will then ship the painting to you. (shipping costs will be determined by your location).

Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

About Me ~ The Artist

My art work incorporates a wide variety of subject matter, including landscape, seascape, cityscape, and still life images. My works are the product of a continuing process of exploration through which I seek to portray personal and visionary interpretations of my surroundings. My paintings are impressions of places and events from everyday life, an interpretation of my imagination, and personal responses to what I see and feel on a daily basis. More recently I have invested generous amounts of time into my landscape painting. I am surrounded by natural and man made beauty, which inherently presents itself in the tri-state area, and almost demands that I paint it.

Not everything is art. Art is not everything, but it comes close. Art is everywhere and all the time. Art makes you experience the beauty of the world, the people in it, and the places we call home. Art itself is so influential that it can tell stories, show feelings, and express passion or fury. Art exists in addition to language; expression of sensations and thoughts, revealing a way of thinking too subtle and delicate for words.

For me art requires love, honesty and perseverance. In return, it reveals some personal, non-analyzable, and creative untamed passion. For the public, art with its magnificent beauty, improves mood and health and builds better human beings and communities. It engages the intellect, softens the heart, strengthens the soul and frees the spirit.

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