Steem Dreams Contest...(What did you dream about recently?)

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

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The last few nights I have had dreams that were very lucid and of the same basic theme and Archetypes. It made me think if others collectively dream on the same topic or subject and then of course I felt the need to make a post about it.

My dream was some type of horrendous scenario where I was rushing to get people into some type of decaying abandoned complex of buildings for safety. Vague shadows slowly formed into people who rushed in for refuge like those escaping a deluge. There were distinct teams of us that were positive and trying to organize how to grow food and survive and I remember so vividly trying to fight against what would be the Bad Female Archetype who was undermining our efforts.

There was a lot of deception and all of us were clothed in dirty scraps of clothing and survivalist gear. The dream hit a peak with me fighting this evil "Lilith" and winning but not before it was a literal face to face stand off. I was having to play the positive aspects that the Archetype of the veil ripping powers of Eris possesses.... the nightmare was transformed from Chaos into what was eventually "TeamGood" winning. (lesson learned, All is not what appears and be acutely aware of the fact that even a very large Bully can be brought down with collective force.... Order out of Chaos!)


So here is my "Challenge" to you all..... Drop in the comments what your latest dream(s) have been and let's see for the next 7 days if Jung is right about group think and the collective fears and hopes of people playing out in dreamtime. The three with dream stories that strike a chord of synchronicity with the last dream I am not going to divulge each win a 100% upvote and possibly more, depending on the feedback.

(giphy, pinterestkatemoss, not the current @thealliance featured member but using this pic...... @teamgood @steemusa @steemexperience @steemsugars)


Love dreams ! Rarely remember them though

I dream a lot, every single night - it's like I never sleep.
I see places only in my dreams that don't exist (or haven't visited/bumped into yet).
Most of my dreams are like movies - that's why I never get enough sleep: Because I like them or because I'm always so tired because of my 'nightlife'...
But the nightmares...oh the nightmares...
The other night I saw [or was it a vision? Not quite sure because I was kinda falling asleep at that point...] my high school, first (platonic) love hanged at the corner of my bedroom. I guess the fact that it was his birthday did the trick. And Orthodox Easter for me - too much mental pressure I guess.
He died at a car accident at 18. He was the driver. He would be 34 today. I still don't get why I saw him hanged though...

I also saw my boyfriend making love to me but that's boring so I choose the hanged man.
Big kiss amazing girl :*

MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! xD crying :P


I dreamt about creativity on my dream i saw myself drawing despite that fact that i am an engineer, i woke up and the idea came behold battleaxe and battlesword pushing together....

Interesting post and fun....


Ninjas say........ "When Battlesword dreams of Battleaxe, the walls come tumbling down in a cloud of fury and justice! bwahahahahahah"

Wow... Fantastic my axe...axe them all lolz

Okay..I'll bite: A long narrow, overgrown lane way during the day. I'm slowly picking my way along, looking desperately for my daughter, but she's little, not 33. The whole time knowing I have to find her before "it" does. But I don't know what "it" is. The day turns black and the clouds hang low, I feel like I could touch them, as I hear some one's daughter call out to them. Not my daughter but I move in that direction.

I'm trying to get off the lane but the weeds grow thicker as I move making it impossible to breach. I can hear someone's child yelling much more frantically but I can't move. I try to scream out for help but no sound will leave my throat.

Then I'm in an empty room. The air is stifling hot as if there is fire on the other side of the padlocked door. Looking around I start to see something rodent-like running along the edges of the room...back and forth frenzied movement. Suddenly I feel no longer alone. I turn to face the door only to find a dark, dense mass standing in front of me...yet I'm not afraid.....

And my alarm goes off.

Interesting, I've had many dreams of the dense , dark masses that seem to be composed of everything bad yet they dissipate and are sort of like blobs of fear .....

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Don't remember what my dream was last night, but I will be sure to remain lucid tonight and try to scrawl out the scenario that takes place :)

@enginewitty FEEL THE FORCE SENPAI! Dreams come true on ....Steemit!

My last dream was about being tricked into thinking someone was not who they were to find out information about me.

It backfired on them publicly when they found out I was just as I say I they tried to back out of the mean trick they had planned to play on me.

I didn't let them but gave them a talking to about being honest and what the word *trust means.

:D I love your contests!! you always come up with something original! and you make me think and smile :D Thanks for that!!

that is really a theme in my last few dreams...some type of trickster, interesting synchronicity
thanks @snook for sharing

Love this! I will have to take some notes when I first wake up in the next few days so I can remember what my dreams are!

glad you like it, this is pretty rad to see some similar themes creeping up in different dreams

My latest dream, I was being hunted down by people because they knew that I could fly (literally) and I was only one of several who could. I was not aware of why they were tracking me yet.
We were all awake and aware of some sort of deception that was over most everyone else though. Many people were acting strange.

I found myself walking off my job, walking down a car-less highway, and then was aware that there were several others alongside me.
They all said "come on" as they were drawn toward something. I saw helicopters in a field and thousands of people walking toward them, like being drawn to a magnet. A huge crowd.

I walked on...then began jogging...then realized another person was nearby jogging. He said, "It's in you" and took off flying, then I realized I could do the same, and took a leap upward.

I've got one for you. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I dream that I'm in a 'hospital' bed, it looks more like a room in a house, but there are nurses around. A nurse walks in and lays a baby on my pillow, apparently it's mine. The baby is tiny, the size of my hand, frail.
In the dream I fall asleep and when I wake up the nurse tells me that the baby died, but I don't believe her. I insist the child is still alive. The nurse opens the curtains and outside is a field of mud for as far as the eye can see and pigs eating dead babies. The nurse leaves me sobbing and hysterical. She returns some time later with the remains that she's retrieved from the mud, the remains are of a baby that was a normal size while I plead and explain that my child was tiny and this couldn't possibly be mine. She has no compassion and walks out.

Synchronicity two, my last nightmare involved pigs but in a just seeing how many crossovers happen or themes, interesting

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