Motivation and Success - Do You Have It?

in #life3 years ago

Motivation and success are one of the best things in life. No matter what field you are in, if you don't have a drive to succeed no matter how hard the obstacles are, then you won't make it. The saying 'give or you will lose' can't be any more true for motivation and self-motivation. You can have all the motivation and success in the world, but if you don't take action towards your goals, no matter how many times you think you are motivated, you will never succeed. It's that simple.

A guided meditation is a great way for self-motivation. A guided meditation is simply a set of instructions that you follow from start to finish. The person leading you through the meditation provides you with the motivation and keeps you accountable to yourself. It is a little like having an instructor at your every beck and call.

But what exactly is the motivation? Motivation is nothing more than a desire to do something. So, when you create a meditation CD for yourself, is that really motivation? Are you motivated because it makes you feel good? Or do you want to create a motivation CD because you know that it will help you achieve your goals?

In order to truly become self-motivated and achieve your goals, you need to develop a process that will help you stay self-motivated long-term. There are ways to give yourself short-term motivation with the right type of exercise and healthy diet. And there are also ways to develop a more sustainable type of self-motivation with the use of technology, meditation, and visualization.

So how can you best develop a motivation towards your goals? How can you stay self-motivated long-term? The answer lies in self-awareness. When you're aware of your own behavior and the behaviors of others around you, it becomes much easier for you to make changes. If you become aware of your own behavior and the behavior of others around you, it becomes much easier for you to make changes.

One way for you to develop a motivation towards your goals is to cultivate self-efficacy. Self-efficacy comes from using your internal resources such as awareness, self-image, and energy, to translate what you learn about your environment or people in general, into something that you can take action toward. For example, if you're learning about the corporate policies surrounding coffee shops in your city, and you notice that other coffee shops in the same city have different policies, you might take this as an opportunity to educate yourself about self-efficacy. You can work toward setting up different coffee shops within the city so that you gain a sense of self-employment, even though you won't actually be earning any money.

Motivation and success can also be fostered through motivation and success conscious decisions. If you have clear goals that are in line with your own personal goals and aspirations, you will have greater motivation to achieve those goals. When you set specific goals, you are taking the necessary steps towards realizing your own potential and having an impact on the world. When you make decisions from a place of self-interest, you often don't think as clearly as you would when working for a company. Brian Tracy calls these "self-willed" decisions, because you're more interested in your outcome than in finding the best path to get there.

As you can see, it takes more than just deciding you're going to do something to have motivation and success. In fact, it's important not to be self-motivated and self-employed in the first place! Finding motivation and self-employment is a process that takes time and requires that you make intentional, self-directed choices for your own development and happiness.


I learnt something unique from this post and i would like to add some ideas of mine.

Firstly, I would love say Motivation doesn't set in without having a dream that keeps you moving. A dream that ask for more always brings motivation if you truly want to fulfill them

You mentioned about a short/long term motivation.

It is nothing to see your motivation expire but i believe it does that when you ain't sure of the path you are walking on to success.

To have a long term motivation, it has to do with you. To have a long term motivation, you must have a clear vision of you destination when dreaming

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