How Being Naturally Productive Can Change Your Life

in #life3 years ago

Being naturally productive is an ideal way of living and handling everyday life. But in order to be a naturally productive person, one must take the time to assess his or her current situation and determine exactly what it is that needs to be done in order to improve the state of the life in question. Once this is realized, the real motivation can come about and the actual desire to do something can begin. The act of actually getting off the couch and getting started on doing what it is that needs to be done will likely follow.

So why does being a productive person seem to be such a hard thing to accomplish? Well, for starters, in order to be a truly productive person, one must be a truly productive person in all aspects of his or her life. This may sound like a rather tall order, but it really isn't. When a person realizes that they are doing all of the things that need to be done, and simply aren't getting anywhere in their endeavors, then they begin to get discouraged. This is where procrastination begins.

So if you find yourself procrastinating on things, stop and think for a moment. What is it that you are afraid of doing? Is it that you are afraid to fail, to acknowledge that you don't have everything that you think you do, or that you are afraid of having to do things by trial and error in order to realize some kind of goal? Once you answer that question, then and only then, will you begin to move forward with your plans for a better life!

You see, to be a truly productive individual, you must realize that you have the ability to do many things. And because you have the ability to do so many things, you also have the ability to accomplish more things. And when you have more things accomplished, you will have time on your hands to enjoy them. And that is truly the key to happiness!

Let's face it; procrastination is not going to make you happy! If you procrastinate, you are not going to be happy. Happiness is when you are successful in all that you do. Success in what? Success in accomplishing those things that really matter in your life.

If you set lofty goals for yourself, and you accomplish them, you will be happier because you were able to succeed. Success breeds happiness, and happiness breeds a productive and effective life. Therefore, if you want to be a productive person, you need to set goals that are big and bold, but with clearly defined follow-through.

Now here is the secret about procrastination...once you give it up, you will never, ever again procrastinate! That's right; give it all up. Stop thinking about it, letting it control you, and making excuses for why you can't do it. Yes, I did say "can't" because there is always something that you CAN do.

I am telling you, right now, that you can become a productive person. You just need to get started right now! You CAN become a productive person, start today! I have done it, I know you can do it, and if I can do it, so can you. Do it today, write down what you need to do, and then get started on creating a productive life for yourself.

The most common problem that many people have, when they think about being productive, is simply not knowing where to begin. Once you know where to begin, you can begin the process of becoming a productive person. Here are some ideas that helped me:

Do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams and goals. I know that sounds crazy, but believe me, people who make it happen are very successful! They had visions, goals, and plans before they were able to reach them, so don't stop dreaming, just write it down somewhere and go for it! It really helps to know that things will be fine, and there won't be any accidents along the way.

Set some boundaries for yourself. You don't want to push your life to the next level faster than it is ready for, or worse yet, faster than you can handle. The best way to do this is by having boundaries. Don't let yourself off the hook because you're too lazy or too aggressive to say no sometimes. Learn to say no in a very loving manner, with as little resistance as possible.


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