Nature and human life

in #nature7 years ago

Hi Steemians...

What is your view of the light produced by nature?

For me this nature is very special, the light produced by nature is amazing and very pleasant when seen and felt. Especially if you see the light from the sky in the late afternoon, and in places like the ocean, very calm makes the heart more comfortable to be in this nature.

Here I want to show you some pictures from nature that make the mind more colorful.



At that time I was watching and enjoying the different natural charms on the beach, enjoying the coolness of the wind that blows and penetrates into the soul.




The pictures above have their own meaning for today, and we can feel with each other's beliefs. If you think nature is fun, then your thoughts and days will always be fun.

Thank you so much...

May you always regard this nature as the most special place for your days...

By. @barvon



I like so much your pictures. They are lovely, the changed day light makes different places in the same place. Thanks for sharing
Excuse me if I make mistakes because I don´t write English so well
Have a nice day

Thanks for your kind response, your comments are very helpful to me
Success is always for you my friend :)

Thank you very much @bangjuh ^^

Beautiful photos, i love it!!

Yeah, thank you so much @rafi04
Good luck for you ^^

Thanks a lot

Manusia tak pernah terlepas dari alam...
Berehhh... terimakasih..
Salam sukses @barvon...

Ya Tgk. @boyelleq alam selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk manusia
Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda
Sukses selalu untuk Anda ^^

@barvon indah sekali postingan anda saya suka

Terima kasih atas dukungannya @imranpase
Have a nice day ^^

Postingan anda membuat orng lain membuka mata nya bahwa alam bisa dijadikan tempat curhatan, tidak ada kata istilah putus asa, terima kasih bg @barvon

Tanggapan Anda sangat sempurna, begitu banyak arti pada alam ini..
Terima kasih atas kehadiran Anda di blog ini, semoga sukses selalu bersama Anda ^^

Beautiful nature makes our soul peaceful, wake up early the results of research proves that positive for health. because it can synergize natural rhythm with the rhythm of our body. thanks

Thank you for your response and support
Hopefully this nature always gives the best for us all

Success is always for you ^^

indah menggugat jiwa :-)

Terima kasih atas komentar baik Anda teman, alam selalu indah jika kita menganggapnya indah ^^
Sukses selalu untuk Anda @anis09

terima kasih bg,, untuk abang juga ya :-)

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