This Just In! Government BANS Public from Mailing Precious Metals | Tell Me Again How Free You Are? Liberty Erodes Further.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

All the puzzle pieces are fitting together.

I just found out last week, NOBODY is talking about this, you are among the first I am telling, as I have been working on this.

Note the usual government vague wording where it suits them to cast a wide net, to encompass as much pie as possible to fit in their giant thieving mouths. As always.

Note also all the fascist wording on everything else they write about also where you cannot do this, cannot do that, I mean, it is over the top.


When you look at the website, and the rest of it, note the punishment for shipping by mail these metals they seek to control can land you in a cage for up to 5-10 years.

You can look at that on your own. The basics of THAT are near the end of my post.

And then question WHY you think you are still sort of free and what their agenda is.

It is to seek further controls over you, steal your money and your rights with force and violence and coercion and track you as they seek every capital control and others, to lead humanity to the globalist NWO / New World Order where everyone is controlled and basically cannot leave their tax farms.

Remember I ran a longstanding series on my blog here on gold/silver/precious metals news when nobody else was doing it and I am no expert either...... but I wanted others to learn about sound money and liberty / economic principles:

Here's just one of them dealing with rigged markets and price manipulation from around April of 2018:

But to be clear, the Canadian Government controlled Royal Canadian Mint can make and ship whatever they want, and the Canada Post outlets can literally sell those products in their own "stores" or retail outlets across the country....

But YOU cannot.

Now keep in mind also, as a #Liberty guy, that is why I am involved in CryptoCurrency.

  • It's also why I have been a dues paying and very active member of the #COMER movement in Canadastan for years and years.

COMER when you look it up, took the Federal Government to court to regain the monetary policy back into the hands of the people, stolen from the public in 1974 when Pierre Trudeau literally sold out as the Crime Minister of the time, and gave away our sovereign banking policy to cartels and private interests, moving us to the "backed by nothing" fiat policy we have now.

Look up my name and the hashtag #COMER - you will see what I mean online in a simple search.

Here is the COMER site for you as well so you can #DYOR

Because I have been emailing the current Crime Minister Trudeau Jr.... for years on this issue and have also questioned and trolled him with the fraudulent Bank of Canada online also for years looking for answers.....


So I just tweeted at the #BankOfCanada directly here about the #CentralBanking scam defrauding all #Canadians and I see they censor comments, hence the screenshot.

Tagged the Prime Minister again while I was at it.

The criminals are all in the #banks & #government. Aided & Abetted by the lying #Media.

They are a marketing agency... to steal your money/rights.

#Money #CanPoli #CdnPoli #COMER

Do you remember when governments like the USSA confiscated your precious metals decades ago and literally prevented you from owning it???

Here is a search string for you on this if you want to spend 5 mins and do the homework:

  • Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933........ made it a criminal offense for U.S. citizens to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, with exceptions for some jewelry and collector's coins. These prohibitions were relaxed starting in 1964

or better yet a few years ago when Obama was the USSA President and this happened nobody talks about:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Barack Obama today banned private ownership of more than a quarter ounce of gold, saying the move was necessary to revive the economy.

"Wealthy Americans are bailing out on the economy by taking their money out of circulation and hoarding gold," Obama said as he signed an executive order reminiscent of Depression-era President Franklin D. Roosevelt's ban on the possession of gold.

"The wealthy are violating their trust and abusing their position by investing in gold," Obama said. "My order will put an immediate end to this practice, which threatens to hijack the good efforts of Congress and my administration, which needs at least 3 trillion dollars of additional stimulus money to maintain an acceptable rate of growth of the federal government. My motto is 'If you're not getting bigger, you're not getting better.'"

History repeats and this time, will be worse as the fraudulent monetary systems globally collapse along with your human rights, natural law, and the rest.

Silver is not specifically mentioned but once you read what I have pasted directly from them, you can draw your own conclusions about their desired overreach and theft of everything sovereign and decent they can publicly get away with, all with using your extorted tax dollars to do it.



Canada Post (Gov't owned) just banned Precious Metals from being mailed.

Remember why I said forget about moving here to the police state???? I know people are sleepy and don't pay attn to Canadastan.... I get it.

Included links to actual resources at the end.

  • When you look at the tops of those pages, note all the major changes literally just happened in 2018..... we are literally seeing them write the doomsday manifesto with every policy change snuck by the people, just like in the USSA, all the charts and indicators in line with this, ie big box stores closing, the GM news, we are on the cusp of the collapse again.....

  • Skip right down to near the very bottom of S 5.2.

  • I have copied and pasted directly from the Canada Post (Federally controlled) website:

Prohibited Items

These include packages whose contents are explosive, highly flammable, radioactive or otherwise dangerous. Prohibited items can never be sent through the mail under any circumstances. For additional information, please see Section 5.2 Other Miscellaneous Prohibited Items.

Replica or inert munitions

Replica or inert munitions are non-mailable, as well as other devices that simulate explosive devices or munitions, including replica or inert grenades or other simulated military munitions, whether or not such items are for display purposes. These products are not permitted in the mail under any circumstances.

Other Miscellaneous Prohibited Items

Other prohibited items and conditions include:

unsealed envelopes and unsealed self-mailers, when deposited as Letter-post (see Letter-post (U.S.A. and International) for more information) with the exception of special handling, envelopes with windows are unacceptable for mailing unless the window has a transparent cover parallel to the length of the envelope, the address of the addressee is easily read and it does not interfere with the date-stamping process

only one auxiliary window is permitted on the front or the back of an envelope when mailed at the Incentive Lettermail price

items that have on their outside cover anything written, printed or attached other than the name and address of the addressee and the sender or endorsements or attachments which are authorized by or under applicable regulations or by Canada Post

items with covers that bear words, devices, etc. which may adversely affect the commercial or social standing of the addressee

items with covers that bear rings or similar advertising devices appearing around the postage stamps (hand-stamped or printed facsimiles of postal cancelling or franking stamps)

items with covers that bear non-postal (i.e. private manufacture) stamps or stickers that are affixed in such a manner that they may be mistaken for postage stamps or postal franking impressions, or otherwise indicating value
mail bearing successive addresses

items in wholly transparent envelopes unless such envelopes can be easily handled by post and the outside label is securely attached and is large enough for the name, address, postage and any applicable service instructions
pre-printed labels must adhere to the following:

pre-printed terminology and/or graphics on the mail piece should in no way imply special handling or service for which postage has not been paid

the label and endorsement should not duplicate trade-marks of, or used under licence by Canada Post

it should be clear that pre-printed labels and endorsements used by mailers are directed to the addressee as an instruction related to the enclosure

it is the mailer’s obligation to clear an endorsement with Canada Post prior to printing, in order to ensure the “mailability” of an item

any item emitting an offensive odour

gold bullion, gold dust and non-manufactured precious metals unless mailed under an Agreement between Canada Post and the mailer

any other item that contravenes the Universal Postal Convention, an Act or a Law

visit for information on dangerous products as defined by the International Air-Transport Association as accepted by the Universal Postal Union.

The Punishment for YOU

by your "leaders" if you dare break their "rules":

Making things even worse is the Punishment for violating the rules, as found in Part II, Section 43, Sub-Section 60 (a) which states a person can be charged with an INDICTABLE offense and imprisoned for up to 5 years.

Here is the relevant section directly from the web site:



Every person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations or who commits an offence under any of sections 48 to 59

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

1980-81-82-83, c. 54, s. 54.

Why has Canada now outlawed the mailing of precious metals? What motive could they have to do something like this like I said earlier.

  • Fiat / Paper money is literally worthless. It is backed by NOTHING.

Most folks already know that paper "money" is not "money" at all . . . it is a "note" issued by the government, which has no real value other than the government's promise to pay. But, to pay what?

Info for you:

Have you ever wondered why the symbol for US Dollars is this:

Why on earth would the Symbol for US Dollars be this $ ?

Because the S stands for "Silver" and the line through it stands for "fine" silver!

A US Dollar is defined in federal law as being 325 grains of fine silver. Hence the Dollar sign is an S (for Silver) with a line through it: $

Silver is "money" because it carries its value within itself. The value is intrinsic; it is part of the silver itself.

But paper money has no value within itself; it is merely a note . . . a promise to pay. Worthless paper except for the words printed on it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Give Me Liberty.


OMG, what a bunch of B.S., they are so desperate right now!

But I bet you are not shocked!

Like you say..... history repeats.

Who is listening? Are we waking up quickly enough?

I hope so, some days it is really hard to tell, all I ever wanted for people was for them to know the truth, so they would be set free.

It is all corruption, everywhere, all day long.

Manufactured consent, as I have called the govt nonsense for years.

It is literally treason against the every day person living their lives.

As always ---- great job researching things and always being on top of it!

You have paid the price in so many ways over the years for freedom and liberty, anyone who has watched you at all, should be thankful.

Yes, heavy prices paid as I have been harassed by every govt agency publicly funded...... just doin their jobs.

Statists will always find a way to defend the theft of liberty.

Every day.

All day long.


They have been doing that to us, since the beginning of time.

Thanks for stopping by dude, this is big news, nobody knows about this, it is being buried in the Christmas season like they do with all the big news / holidays.

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Unbelievable, another reason to see the governments are hanging on to their last grip of their fiat currency being depreciated to zero, very soon, IMHO.

Yep, it is all about control for them.

I don’t always mail precious metals, but when i do i send them as “game tokens and playing cards.” 😜👍👍

I nearly DM'd you on this, I have been thinking about you a lot, and esp. when I found all this.

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