Health 101: Daily Drinking of Apple Cider Vinegar is part of my Health Routine. It's good for SO many things. Tips and YOUR 30 DAY CHALLENGE incl. Do you use it? | What do you do daily for YOUR HEALTH?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Here I am with my giant 4L moonshine sized bottle of Organic Apple Cider vinegar to drink daily. Keep the body alkaline!

1 - 4 tablespoons mixed into a cup of pure water (juice, if you have to) -every morning, right after waking up provides energy and an alkaline state. Good stuff.

I have been using it every morning for alkalizing myself for many years, then 30+ mins later having my greens and protein shake etc.

I just work on the computer until the timer goes off and then go have it. It gives the ACV time in the gut to work thru the body.

That red shirt I am wearing, is used locally to help promote and protect middle class labour and jobs. If you look at some of my online photos or videos for life and activism, you see the 2 of them I wore for 3 straight years quite often. There is large writing on the back basically that says




People would notice or wonder or ask, so there you are upfront! (:

Here's a GREAT 2 min. short video to explain what ACV is, how it is made and the benefits:

How I Use It Daily:
I take about 3 tablespoons, first thing in the AM after I brush my teeth, in warm, clean, non fluoridated water (500-700 mL) ---- stir it up, with a straw and use the straw every day with it--- to get the stuff past my teeth and save the enamel, it is actually important to remember this, it is an acid, which is why it helps balance your body.

My Challenge to you is this: Get your hands on some, and do this for a month and then write back/tag me/ let me know in a post how it goes and reference this article
Some people cannot handle this taste, just choke it down or put more water in it or add juice to it - do what you have to -- the benefits FAR outweigh 10 seconds of yuck a day LOL

Things like this and vegetables (high speed blending is great too) -- keep your body in that alkaline state that is important for balance and overall health.

The detox properties of using food as medicine really help clean you out.

It has been proven when your body is not alkaline -- it tips the scales in favour of activating the cancer cells that naturally lie dormant / in every body. There are other factors but keep this in mind.



  • You can very easily make your own, you just need a bit of the ACV to start a batch and add the yeast to it, (quick overview) -- you can search more details on how to easily do this.

I go thru one of these jugs about every 70 days or so. I tracked it a couple times to see but I forget. I drink a lot of it LOL.

I have had a couple long chats with our friend here @heiditravels about health routines like this -- including using ACV for things, I checked in on her awhile back to see how it was going.

Heidi has a very good blog covering many common sense things for health and crypto. Giver her a follow. She is more than a pretty face, that is for sure, she is sharp!

I left this photo and the comments below unedited - they are taken directly from the website so you can see where both came from and credit the sources for part of what is in the blog.

Detox Your Body

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is a liver and lymphatic tonic which can help detox your body. It helps balance your body’s pH and stimulates cardiovascular stimulation, bowel motility and lymphatic drainage. For this reason, it’s one of my key ingredients in the Secret Detox Drink.

Natural Conditioner to Make Hair Shine

ACV can be used as a natural hair conditioner and makes your hair shine! Take an old shampoo bottle and fill it with 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water. Pour this on your hair after shampooing three times per week for best results.

Natural Teeth Whitener

One of my apple cider vinegar uses is as a natural teeth whitener. Take your finger and rub apple cider vinegar on your teeth for 1 minute. Then rinse your mouth with water. The pH of apple cider vinegar can remove stains from your teeth, which helps naturally whiten.

Can Treat Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Some of the main causes of acid reflux and heartburn are an imbalanced stomach pH and lack of enzymes and probiotics. Apple cider vinegar is full of all of these nutrients. How do you take apple cider vinegar? Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and drink it five minutes before meals to relieve acid reflux.

Can Kill Candida (Yeast) and Boost Probiotics

Millions of people around the world struggle with candida and yeast. The side effects can be bad breath, lack of energy, UTI’s and digestive issues. ACV contains probiotics and a type of acid that promotes the growth of probiotics which help kill off candida. Remove sugar from your diet and consume 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar three times daily as part of a candida cleanse.

Regulates Your Body’s pH

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is acidic in nature but has a more alkaline effect on the rest of your body. Balancing your bodies pH can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses like cancer and can dramatically increase your energy.

Can Support Weight Loss and Metabolism

A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care found that consuming apple cider vinegar could promote weight loss. There are several reasons ACV promotes fat loss, but one of those reasons includes that ACV reduces sugar cravings and improves detoxification. Another study found that supplementing with the acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar reduced body fat in mice by 10 percent. A 2005 study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that vinegar consumption with a high-carb meal resulted in participants eating/drinking 200 to 275 fewer calories throughout the rest of the day. (1)

An All-Natural Household Cleaner

The anti-bacterial properties and the balanced pH of apple cider vinegar make it a perfect household cleaning product. Fill a spray bottle with 50 percent water and 50 percent ACV then spray windows and counters for cleaning.

Soothe a Sunburn

One of my favorite apple cider vinegar uses is to soothe a sunburn. Put 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in a lukewarm bath along with ¼ cup of coconut oil and lavender essential oil to ease sunburnt skin.

Balances Blood Sugar and Improves Diabetes

Medical research has proven that the acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can balance blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity and insulin responses. (2) You can receive these benefits through apple cider vinegar ingestion. Try organic, raw apple cider vinegar on salads or consume 1 tablespoon in water before meals.

Heal Poison Ivy

Organic, raw apple cider vinegar contains potassium, which can help reduce swelling and inflammation, improving poison ivy. Reducing side effects of poison ivy is also one of the apple cider vinegar uses because it can help detox the poison out of your skin, helping poison ivy heal more quickly.

Repel Fleas on your Pets

Mix a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar together and soak your pet in a tub. Do this one time a day for several weeks to rid your pet of a flea infestation.

Lower Blood Pressure

In a 2009 12-week study, they found that consuming apple cider vinegar lowered triglycerides and blood pressure significantly.

Fight Seasonal Allergies

Another amazing treatment of ACV is for allergies. ACV helps break up mucous in your body and support lymphatic drainage. It also supports the immune system and can clear your sinuses. Put 2 tablespoons in a large glass of water and drink three times daily for allergies.

Kill Fungus on Toes and Skin

The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds in apple cider vinegar make it a great natural remedy for skin and toenail fungus. Simply rub on the area of fungus two times daily. Also, using a mixture of coconut oil and oil of oregano is great for killing fungus.

Skin Toner for Eczema and Acne

The pH of apple cider vinegar makes it an excellent remedy for skin issues. Rub apple cider vinegar on the effected skin or use it as a wash — then put coconut oil and essential oils on the area to support further healing.

Ease Varicose Veins

Apple cider vinegar is excellent for varicose veins because it improves circulation in the vein walls and is anti-inflammatory, so it reduces bulging veins. Combine apple cider vinegar with witch hazel and rub on veins in circular motion and you should see improvements in two weeks.

Natural Deodorant

Bad bacteria and yeast are a major cause of body odor. The armpit can stay damp which also makes it a breading ground for bad bacteria. Simply dabbing some apple cider vinegar on your fingers and running it into your armpit can kill yeast and neutralize odors, keeping you smelling fresh all day.

Cure a Cold and Sore Throat

Apple cider vinegar is the ultimate remedy to cure a cold and sore throat fast! Because it’s loaded with vitamins and probiotic-boosting acetic acid, it’s a great natural cure. Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water three times daily to cure a cold.

May Reduce Warts

Put apple cider vinegar topically on the wart and then cover with a bandage. Leave on overnight and remove in the morning. You may see results in one week, but it could take longer.

This is only a few of the many apple cider vinegar uses and natural remedies.

Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV has been consumed for around 5,000 years!

Historical records show that apple juice has been fermented into vinegar since before 5000 BC. Through the ages, apple cider vinegar has been used to stimulate circulation, aid in the detoxification of the liver, to purify blood, cleanse lymph nodes, and improve immune system response. In fact, Hippocrates often prescribed it for coughs and colds, when mixed with a touch of honey.

ACV is made in a similar way as other fermented drinks (kombucha, kefir and wine).

Like all fermented products, apple cider vinegar is made using active yeast that is combined with sugar. In this case, it is naturally occurring sugar from crushed apples. The yeast actually consumes sugar and uses this to grow healthy bacteria, which is how fermentation takes place. The best apple cider vinegar for therapeutic and health wellness should be made from certified organic apples. Pasteurization is not required, and is not recommended for people using it for health benefits, as this kills all of the delicate nutrients and enzymes. The acidity of the vinegar is enough to prevent unhealthy bacteria (including E. Coli) from developing. After the fermentation process is completed, the result is the formation of acetic acid, the main beneficial compound found in apple cider vinegar.

ACV can appear murky and have “cobweb-like” strings, but this is a good thing.

This murky brown appearance of ACV, as well as the strands of yeast that may be present, actually clue you in to the fact that the cider is of good-quality. These strands are bits of live yeast, and they are actually alive. These contain the bacteria that once entered into the body, provide various healing benefits.

(Keep reading to learn what this is called -- "The Mother" -- Barry)


ACV is extremely low in calories and sugar.

Although it’s made using sugar, the sugar is consumed during fermentation, so you barely ingest any of it in the finished product. ACV has about 3-5 calories per tablespoon, and a little usually goes a long way. So you wind up with a very beneficial drink for virtually no calories or sugar. In fact, one of the biggest benefits of consuming ACV is that it has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, helping to keep them stable and to reduce risk for diabetes or hypoglycemia.

ACV was first used as an a natural disinfectant (and still is today).

Vinegar is known to have anti-fungal abilities and to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens, so traditionally people used it to clean their homes, bodies, and to fight off fungus from forming. Today, many people still use ACV — and other types of vinegar — for a wide range of cleansing uses.

What is the Mother in the Apple Cider Vinegar?


It is important to note that not all apple cider vinegar is created equally! To get the most out of using ACV, make sure you buy it raw and with the “mother” intact, which means it still contains the beneficial compounds including probiotics.

It is imperative that you select organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to reap its many health and beauty benefits. Also, look for cloudy vinegar; this is the sign that the friendly enzymes and bacteria that promote healing have not been removed. The cloudy strands is what is referred to as the “mother” probiotics.

More Reading on the same topic for additional resources or to cross reference material:


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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


Got a bottle like this straight from Davidson Orchard in Vernon, BC back in 2011. Tasted so good.
It's funny, I sit here coughing, chugging coffee on little sleep and I wish I was as healthy as I used to be. haha I used to eat only organic and exercise several hours a day. These days I treat myself like crap and sit in front of a computer most of the time.
Thanks for the inspiration, I'm going to try working towards better health. May help my energy level too which is much needed. :P

Thanks for the honesty man, it appears your self reflection has given us a glimpse of what we all need to do, when we can.... the best we can.

It is a small thing, with a small small cost but can help so much!!

Been using it..not just for the benefits, but it gives taste to the water. Plain water is difficult to swallow due to its' taste.
I thought its 2 tbs..but i dont mind 4 ;)

That's cool to know about you. It is funny, not many people would add this to the water to make it taste better.


Good on ya sister.

My housemate will agree with you on that, she hates the taste.

Awesome post, I love my Apple Cider Vinegar :-) Wish we had somewhere that sold those huge bottles though.

I have been buying this brand, the only kind that comes in the 4L beast (1 gallon US) --- the price is great, is basically like buying 3 1L bottles and the 4th one is free.

I love Apple Cider Vinegar too

That is a giant bottle of ACV! We have been buying Bragg's ACV for years and absolutely love it. I like your morning routine of ACV and then greens and proteins - going to switch up my own routine.

real actual Lemon juice also works with some similar benefits but the 2 are very different as you likely know

Thanks for the comments today man!

I am glad when someone says something helps them I talk about!!

Of course!

Thank you for sharing from your plethora of knowledge.


You are too kind my man, I really appreciate the kind words, you have no idea.

Thank you.

You are most welcome my friend.

Be healthy. We need you posts and your ideas. 👍👍👍👍

Aye, it is always nice to hear from you man...

Thanks for the kind words today, hope this helps you and others!!!!

Sorry I won't take part to the challenge. Vinegar is better on a salad :)

It is super to hear from you man!

I notice the odd vote from you too, it is really nice to hear from you, I have thought about you the last few mths since going sort of silent.

I hope everything is OK.

Have a nice week!

Work was really demanding and I had basically no time for Steemit, and actually many other things on top of that (like a private life). I will write soon about it, hopefully tomorrow (as it is already late now and my write-up is not done). This takes me some time as I cannot only discuss my life and I must include some physics :p

But everything is OK! Thanks for asking!

Oh, I had hoped you were busy and not boycotting me LOL

I honestly missed your comments and chiming in on things etc.

I am glad you are good my very smart friend!!!

Hehe! I am never boycotting anything. This never helps ^^

I have read a lot about the benefits of ACV, I will definitely have to consider adding it to my health routine.

  • you def. for sure, honestly should. It is cheap and so many benefits!!!

richq's rules for apple cider. 1) put cap on loosely and store in a warm place

  1. after it turns hard put in a plastic container and freeze 3) Pour off what doesn't freeze 4) Enjoy!

Thanks Rich, nice to hear from you man.

LOL... That's what we did when we were kids and too young to "buy"

I use to be a skeptic of AVC then one day I was starting to feel sick and then grandma shell said " drink this and thank me later" the rest is history. I always have a bottle one hand. ACV works like a champ and is a healthy healing method most of all.

Great input today man, honestly!

Stuff like that is great for people to hear, thanks so much!

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