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RE: What Is The Best Way To Prove God's Existence? Part 1.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

You can prove the existence of God by making a thorough examination of the Bible. The Bible has thousands of prophecies that were literally fulfilled. Such as prophesying that the city of Tyre would be scraped to a bare rock that fisherman would spread their nets over. That was fulfilled by Alexander the Great. The Bible spoke of the crucifixion of Christ hundreds of years before crucifixion was developed by the Persians. The book of Daniel correctly predicts what would happen to the empire of Alexander the Great so accurately that many people simply refuse to admit that it was written centuries earlier. The sanitary laws that God gave the Israelites show a modern understanding of infectious disease. There should be no doubt whatsoever that Jesus lived, performed miracles, died on a cross and rose from the dead. Jesus and the apostles must have performed thousands of miracles. That would help explain why there were a million Christians in the Roman Empire within 30 years of the death and resurrection of Christ. The power of the gospel to change hearts and lives was more powerful than the horrific suffering inflicted on Christians by the Romans.


An excellent resource is the website

A great book on apologetics is "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" by Josh McDowell. You can buy it in America on Amazon for the Kindle for $6.49.

This is brilliant!!! Thank you so much for this

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