Sad, Rabid & Purse Puppies: The Fate of WorldCon 2018

in #worldcon6 years ago (edited)

[Frank Nelson Voice] Yeeeess?

It seems like the SJWs at SFWA just aren't going to catch a break. As others have been posting, the San Jose WorldCon concom has been taking heavy flak over, of all things, a TYPO. Not even a real "typo", but a "Somebody put in the wronk made-up pronouns of a mentally ill person." typo. And thus, The Great Triggering of '76 hath begun.

"We purged those pesky right-wingers! How are they still in control of everything?"

One unofficial addendum to Vox Day's Rules of SJWs is Rule #4: SJWs Always Eat their Own. After a defeat, or merely in lieu of an external target, the Marxist revolutionary's instinct is to scapegoat, purge, and engage in a purity spiral. A circular firing squad. And this is the exact behaviour we're seeing here. So some people didn't get put on panels. In a typical convention, that means you now have more time to get drunk, or sign books at your merch table. Most staffaren't payed a thin dime for the work they're expected to do. It's both why so many conventions are half assed fly-by-night affairs, as well as why so many volunteers are lefties. Their time isn't worth that much to begin with, so they have a lot of it on their hands.

Hey, give credit where it's due: SFWA fought long & hard for the power to be the gatekeeping tastemakers. It's not their fault that because they have $#!+ty taste in books, nobody knows who their selections are!

But we're dealing with the egocentrism of Cluster B personality disorders in a dying TradPub industry. Larry proved his point within the first year of his Sad Puppies campaign and is currently munching popcorn atop Hate Mountain, and Vox laughs from his Skull Throne having successfully turned the once-prized Hugo into a joke. The shill media flocks to the corporate presence of SDCC to hype their next media project and Brony conventions for their "look at teh nerds LOL!" news segments. None of the Hugo's most fawned-over books (the one place you could prove yourselves tastemakers; any movie you award is after-the-fact accolades for an IP) are getting optioned because they don't sell. The only coverage in the modern (online, there's literally 0 national-level press coverage of any WorldCon) media is generated around clickbait antagonism about WorldCon getting trolled.

Convention Trolled:Women & Minorities Hardest Hit!.

Conventions themselves aren't even as important as they used to be. Those Panels that everyone's so desperate to promote themselves on have long since been replaced by podcast appearances & YoutTube channels. It's not just that these backstabbing sycophoants are vying to be the biggest fish in a shrinking pond, they're slaughtering each other over coastline real estate on Hybrasil.

"I would flounce, but you can only find the right @$$ to kiss for a favorable position in the kyriarchy in person!"

This stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the Why. They're vying for this "power" because, being socialists, they think accumulating Power leads to Money, not the Capitalist reverse. Earning money leads to a person having increased influence because in a Market, your wealth is initially gained by serving a clientelle with a good or service that they actually want. What happens when you attempt the reverse is a pattern that has been the norm since Campbell took control. Decreasing market presenc as a fanbase is Venezuela'd by tastemakers pursuing a phantom audience of good-thinkers who won't indulge in thee BadWrongFun that offends them so.

Left unsaid: After purging successful Baen writer Elizabeth bear for wrongthink, WisCon has nothing to offer but Cat Ladies & Tor Creepers (sometimes, the same person)

But their paranoia is the most delightful part. Everything, everything here is boiling down, once again, to the phandom menace of white, straight patriarchy. The Anglosphere Adonises are their Preeeecious, and they must somehow steal his power for their own! In all seriousness, they've reacted to the 4 years of Sad/Rabid Puppies by forming (like King Louie in The Jungle Book) a covetous Cargo Cult, desperately clinging to the notion of controlling to an outdated and misunderstood (more on that later) paradigm of genre success.

We can call them the Purse Puppies. The winners of a loser lottery. Their unsellable books hand-picked by would-be Weinsteins for now-meaningless awards, longing for the recognition of people they claim to loathe.

Hey if you liked any of this, I'll remind you I'm "bar1scorpio" elswhere online. You can find my art at devianArt & FurAffinity. I sperg out on Twitter, and you can support all my vital work on Patreon

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