St. Isaac 's Cathedral

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

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Today I found myself on the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt. In the second photo you see him in person. This sculpture is installed in front of the Naval University. Every year graduates put a vest on this monument (... uh-uh... striped T-shirt with sleeves). But that's not the point right now.

The dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral is clearly visible from here and I will show it to you from different angles. There is a version that the design of the cathedral is a device for generating atmospheric electricity.. Are there any electricians among you? Look at the construction of the cathedral from the point of view of an electrical engineer. Interesting discoveries are waiting for you.







Сегодня я оказался на набережной лейтенанта Шмидта. На втором фото вы видите его собственной персоной. Эта скульптура установлена напротив военно-морского университета. Каждый год выпускники надевают на этот памятник тельняшку ( ... э-э-э... полосатая майка с рукавами). Но сейчас не об этом речь.

Отсюда хорошо виден купол Исаакиевского собора и я покажу вам его в разных ракурсах. Есть версия, что конструкция собора представляет из себя устройство генерации атмосферного электричества.. Среди вас есть электрики? Посмотрите на конструкцию собора с точки зрения инженера-электрика. Вас ждут интересные открытия.

CameraSony A7М2
LensSony 55-210
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

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Regards, @bambuka

 2 years ago 

Do you mean it would collect energy from lightning strikes?

This building was built long before there was a perceived need to generate electricity--no?

 2 years ago 

There are a lot of strange buildings and structures on roofs in the city, similar to antennas/spires. Here, most likely, it is not the energy of lightning that needs to be considered (for this there are simpler structures - lightning rods and lightning is not a very frequent phenomenon)
Rather a question of atmospheric electricity. Remember Tesla's experiments, something from this series.
And I don't really believe in the official date of the cathedral's construction, as well as in the history of the city itself

 2 years ago 

I admit that I know very little about electricity. :-D
I will say that I know a little bit about churches and I am a big fan of Orthodox art and architecture. Orthodox Christians know how to build a church! :-)

Wikipedia says that St Isaacs was completed in 1858. Do you believe it was an earlier date? It is extremely common for churches to be built (or renovated) on the site of a former place of worship. I don't know anything at all about pre-Christian religion in Russia, but the Romans, after converting to Christianity as the State religion, would convert their temples to churches.

For example: the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus was built on the site of a Christian Cathedral, which was built on the site of the Temple of Jupiter. Same as Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. The original church was built over a pagan temple, then converted to a mosque, then to a museum, and then back to a mosque again.

As the Roman Empire and Christianity spread north through Europe, most important places of worship were converted to churches. So it is very likely that many of these magnificent churches are older than given credit for--or at least the foundations.

Do you know what truly surprised me when I was browsing Wikipedia about St Isaac's??? It says that "Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia" was married there on 21 October 2021, and that this was the first royal wedding in Russia since 1917. !!!!

Is the Imperial family back? Are royal weddings taking place again?

 2 years ago 

As the Roman Empire and Christianity spread to the north of Europe, the most important places of worship were turned into churches.

Yes, it is. In Russia, more precisely, in Russia, there was a Vedic faith (it is incorrectly called pagan). In most places where Christian churches now stand, there were Vedic temples and sacred groves.
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich... I know about the current of the monarchists and their attempts to claim something in Russia. I think that for the money that was paid for the opportunity to hold a wedding ceremony there... he could get married in any other place of his choice. "Whatever the child is not amused, just not to get pregnant" - we have such a proverb and in my opinion it is suitable for this situation)

 2 years ago 

I think Vedic is a good description of pre-Christian European religion. There is a common Indo-European thread tying them together. Pagan is a better description of the religion specific to the Greco-Roman world. At least in my understanding.

This Grand Duke guy--kind of nervy to present himself as a person of consequence. Of course, he can look to the example of Spain who reinstated their Royal family. I suppose that hope springs eternal. :-D

 2 years ago 

I think it's hard to tell if it could be an electrical generator from some pictures. The location of the elements matters, but also the materials and how they are built.

 2 years ago 

The internal structure is hidden behind the external facades. It is difficult to judge the appointment by appearance, I agree. But there are elements that hardly relate to architectural

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