My sisters are Pines

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Сегодня я хочу познакомить вас с моими сёстрами. Вчера я был у них в гостях. В этом году это первый день торжества солнца. Оно встретило меня, когда я проснулся и я проводил его спать за линию горизонта.

Конечно, в такой день нельзя сидеть дома и сразу после завтрака мы поехали в Сестрорецк. Там и живут мои сёстры. Так я называю сосны, которые растут по краю берега Финского залива. Каждая из них имеет имя - Пиния.

Today I want to introduce you to my sisters. I was visiting them yesterday. This year it is the first day of the celebration of the sun. It met me when I woke up and I took it to sleep beyond the horizon.

Of course, on such a day it is impossible to stay at home and immediately after breakfast we went to Sestroretsk. That's where my sisters live. That's what I call the pine trees that grow along the edge of the Gulf of Finland. Each of them has a name - Pinya.



Их здесь достаточно много, они растут прямо на песке и создают отличную зону для отдыха. Особенно красиво здесь во время тумана, но вчера не было тумана и его здесь трудно застать. Но поверьте на слово, это очень красиво и загадочно.

There are quite a lot of them here, they grow right on the sand and create an excellent recreation area. It is especially beautiful here during fog, but there was no fog yesterday and it is difficult to find it here. But take my word for it, it's very beautiful and mysterious.



На этот раз я добрался до них когда солнце уже клонилось к горизонту (в январе это случается довольно рано). Я застал здесь необычный свет. Он менялся с каждым изменением ракурса. При постобработке это порой озадачивает...

This time I got to them when the sun was already sinking to the horizon (in January it happens quite early). I found an unusual light here. It changed with every change of angle. In post-processing, this is sometimes puzzling...


Температура света и оттенки цветов менялись довольно быстро. Позже я покажу вам несколько кадров заката.

The temperature of the light and the shades of colors changed quite quickly. I'll show you some sunset shots later.


100% SP (manual translation to SP)


The time has come to build our own steem power

CameraSony A7М2
LensHelios-40-2 ОKS 1-22-1
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright



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Regards, @bambuka

 2 years ago 

wow! That place is fascinating, I was very surprised to learn that paradise exists with incredible shades that nature does not offer us. Thanks for sharing. Greetings and blessings.

 2 years ago 

I didn't really understand what exactly you mean by paradise))
Here all the colors and shades are created by nature itself.

 2 years ago 

Paradise is a biblical idealization of the place created by God and that I imagine is like that place that shows great beauty that captivates my eyes.

 2 years ago 

I almost know what heaven is)))
The most interesting thing is that heaven and hell are inside every person. You either rejoice and enjoy, or you suffer. And oddly enough, a person makes his own choice :)

 2 years ago 

Beautiful photos. I love the shadows on objects (trees) when the sun is "low".
The combination of sand, snow, plants, and water, is great too. All in one.
The trees are awesome. They have presence.

 2 years ago 

Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
This is one of my favorite places. There is a positive energy among the pines.
Unlike firs, pine trees give energy to a person. This is a place of power.

 2 years ago 

Hmm, as an artist who draws trees, I should know more than I do...
I always looked at pines and fir as the same family.
Would you say that fir have more unique structure and pines are more abstract? Or there are more differences?
Hungry for knowledge :o)

 2 years ago 

Spruce pines are completely different trees in every sense. They are united only by belonging to coniferous trees... they have needles :-))
Different shape, different shade of green, different smell, finally, different energy. Spruce can draw extra energy out of you, calm the nervous system. After that, you need to go to the pines. They will give new clean energy.
In terms of form... if they try to maintain a pyramidal appearance. Pines can have a wide variety of shapes depending on the growing conditions.

 2 years ago 

Got it. Not all needle trees are made the same.

 2 years ago 

В Японии сосна, покрытая снегом , считается символом счастливой старости).

 2 years ago 

У сосны вообще хорошая энергетика, можно свои батарейки подзаряжать ))

 2 years ago 

По крайней мере, оздаравливает, 100%. Но мне кажется, там больше мужская энергия, для меня очень сильная, хоть и дружественная))

 2 years ago 

Может и так, тогда к берёзе ))

 2 years ago 

К яблоне)

 2 years ago 

I like trees so much! Nice photos of course.

 2 years ago 

Oh yeah. I'm also a big fan of trees. I grew up in the forest...))
Glad to see you Jorge and thank you for your kind words!

 2 years ago 

I love White Pine trees … I planted 10 of them in my yard. I an trying to keep them trimmed so they don’t get too tall. They will reach 200’ if you let them.

 2 years ago 

I love when trees grow the way they want. But sometimes, yes, you have to regulate their growth... but not in the forest :)

 2 years ago 

Yeah… I should have planted cedar hedge … but I thought I could grow a pine hedge… not so easy … it’s like Bonsai I guess … a true art form … I also prune my Apple Trees to keep them at 15’…that way I can reach all the apples

 2 years ago (edited)

I will share some photos of my White Pine bonsai trees… they are all around 10’ tall … I trim the new growth (candles) every spring to maintain their height …

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