Made in the USSR/Сделано в СССР #2

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle

Так и хочется сказать в телефонную трубку:
"Девушка, это Смольный?".
Здесь можно рассматривать каждую вещицу
и у неё есть своя история.
Все вместе они хранят дух времени.
Память нужна не для погружения в уныние прошлого.
Память нужна для фундамента настоящего
и верных направлений в будущее.
На некоторын вещи я смотрю с иронией,
на другие с теплотой.
Чувства разные, но время одно.
И на таких стихийных рынках
витает Дух Времени.

One would like to say into the telephone receiver:
"Ledy, is it Smolny?"
Here you can consider every little thing
and it has its own story.
Together they keep the spirit of the times.
Memory is not needed to plunge into the gloom of the past.
Memory is needed for the foundation of the present
and the right directions to the future.
I look at some things with irony,
at others with warmth.
Feelings are different, but time is one.
And in such spontaneous markets
the Spirit of Time soars.

Комбинация плёночного магнитофона
и проигрывателя
винила оказалась неожиданной.
Раньше такого не встречал.

The combination of a tape recorder
and a vinyl player
was unexpected.
I haven’t seen this before.

Какую музыку он слушает?
Наверное классику.
Его лицо мне почему-то знакомо...

What kind of music does he listen to?
Probably a classic.
For some reason I know his face ...

Я не понимаю закон о запрещении
холодного оружия.
В нём есть какие-то признаки,
что к оружию относить.
И вот так оно не продаётся.
Значит всё на этих витринах
не является холодным оружием...
Вы в этом уверены?
Я нет.

I do not understand the law
on the prohibition of knives.
There are some signs that
carry weapons.
And so it’s not for sale.
So everything on these windows
is not a cold weapon ...
Are you sure about that?
Me not.

Sony A72М 35 f1,4


So many knives and swords! :O

You can arm a squad of mercenaries))

Будучи в Финляндии, хотели с дочкой сходить в музей радио. Но он был закрыт. Посмотрел в окошко, там такие экземпляры стояли, ващщщеее.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Я в детстве по дури юной разобрал на винтики граммофон...

В детстве много чего по дури сделано. Зато знаешь его устройство. 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

Если бы... ))

I cannot thank you enough for being part of #MarketFriday. It is such a joy to read through your post, knowing very well how much time and thought goes into making one. I enjoy reading them all and sometimes I get a little behind. This week in particular, I had issues along with everyone else and things kind of went sideways.

To be fair, it was a week of too much work and not enough time when steem finally righted itself. So, I am here late and apologize. This doesn’t mean your post wasn’t awesome! You know it was!

I am a little unsure how voting on comments is going to be, but, it is looking dismal and most of them will be worthless. I voted nonetheless, but, not sure how it all comes out in the wash. So this week, I will be giving a bigger tip to you to make up for that. I need to sit down and figure out what they have done to the system as your post is worthy and they have just made it harder to reward you.

My apologies and hopefully this will make up for most of it!

#MarketFriday loves you!
Upped and Steemed
!tip .20

Thank you very much for your generous tip and your attention. Yes, it was a difficult week. HF drove like a bulldozer. It was hard for everyone.
I hope that everything will be fine in the end :)
I love #MarketFriday :-))

Thank you! I hope everything will be fine in the end! It has made the platform very, very quiet.

Thank you for loving #MarketFriday! That makes me feel so good! xo


plankton was confused. I think that many have lost the sense of working here on...
My pleasure :-)

We will all survive! I promise! Just smaller rewards! I still love the interaction!

Of course we will survive! :)

🎁 Hi @bambuka! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: The Whisper Of Delight Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

🎁 Hi @bambuka! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: The Whisper Of Delight Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62014.91
ETH 2410.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50