Splinterlands - Tried my luck by opening Essence Orb that I received from loot chests

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Last season rewards were not very great but I got 1 essence orb in the season rewards. Also, a day before that I also received another essence orb from the quest reward as well. I had these two essence orbs and was looking for a good opportunity to open them. We no longer have the facility to purchase this essence orb directly from the splinterlands market but it is good that we get them from the rewards.


If you look at the above screenshot, you will be able to see that I already have so many portions with me that I received from quest rewards and season rewards for quite some time. One best use case for these portions is obviously opening packs. That is one of the main reasons why I even purchased 5 untamed booster packs with the DEC that I had in my account.



By opening the orbs, I received a total of 3 rare cards and most of the other cards are somewhat usual cards. But I definitely cannot imagine that I received 4 Armorsmith card from the quest reward. I'm not sure how beneficial it is to purchase these orbs from the Steem Engine market and opening them. One good thing about opening these packs is that I will be able to make use of the portions that I have on my account. But it will also be nice if we get an ROI for the investment that we make.


For these orbs, I have not made any investment in particular but it looks like around 900 DEC worth portions were spent in opening these rewards but I noticed that there was no advantage in using those portions. They just simply got wasted. But anyways there were just received only through quest rewards and season end rewards o no hard feelings.

If you are wondering what tool I used to analyze my orb opening, the tool is available on the monstermarket.io website. Apart from this you can even purchase cards from there and get cashback for your purchase based on the type of purchase that you are doing.


Nice post! Awesome packs! Have a great day on Splinterlands! ~@clove71

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