THE MINNOW SCHOOL | Threats on the steem ecosystem
Good evening guys, this is @bait002 the founder of the offline minnow school where minnows are mentored and groomed. Today I will be talking about a subject I visited a few months ago. As we all know that I wear my motivation hat once in a while. I see the need for minnows to be motivated at all times, so I channel my energy to ensure that minnows get the best contents from my blog giving them more than enough reasons to stay.
I got a notice in my thought pattern few weeks ago indicating that motivation doesn’t work anymore as far as minnows are concerned. Most minnows now want what they are here for or nothing. And you can’t keep them blogging on the basis of hope. I tried to use the little influence I have on big stakeholders and so far that hasn’t yielded that much. However, some whales have responded positively and have given more people more reasons to hold on. I must confess that I too get tired and the work I have settled to do isn’t encouraging sometimes. The only thing that keeps me moving is the fact that I love what I do and have made up my mind to keep doing it regardless of who approves it or not.
my fear is that everyone on this ecosystem would be suffering sooner or later from what I refer to as the tragedy of the common.
A platform like steemit has given us reasons to both approve and disprove the use of blockchain technology. Right here, we have seen the beauty of decentralization and also we have seen its little ills. After carrying out a cost benefit analysis, what do you think the future holds? Will stakeholders be able to recover their investments and even get on the profitable side? Is there any threat on the future of this ecosystem? What are the possible threats? How do we neutralize them? How dangerous are they? Unfortunately, no one seems to be asking these questions. And we can never find answers to the questions we have never asked.
We are a part of one of the greatest service to humanity and we can’t make it thrive based on self-service but selfless service. I know a people here who do have voting power but never upvote anyone except for their family and friends or most annoyingly some only upvote themselves.
the only true reason why a minnow lives is curation… rational and unsentimental curation that is based on merit not luck or favour
I strongly believe that people still slave over their writings and it hurts them to see a lot of them go unnoticed and unrewarded.
we are all skating on thin ice because no one tells the other person what to do … it is a decentralized world isn’t it.
No one owns the world even those who own a lot understand this fact and it is funny when we think we don’t need people on steemit. We will only thrive based on majority rule and if we don’t have a huge number on our side, we can’t attain the fullest capabilities of this blockchain.
there’s a bright future here and if we all do things the way we please, those who think they own all will happen to be the ones losing the most…
If you doubt what I’m saying, you just go on to the promo-steem tag and see for yourself. It isn’t bubbling the way it used to do. Promoters are even discouraged. We could have the number on social media site on the planet. We have a massive number of zealous people who are ready to make that happen but it won’t if there’s no guarantee that their about labour will hold. It hurts me each time I see an account I register die a minnow. I have so much to do but I have several constraints. A social media site with over 900k accounts with only 60k active users doesn’t seem like a good statistics to me.
I will be stopping here today. I challenge you reader to make this work no matter what. Be a part of those few individuals who hold on no matter what.
Good article... where do you think Steem / Steemit will be at the end of 2018?
Will it be thriving - or will it be dying?
considering the herald of SMT's, I think the future hold better things for STEEM. In one way or the other demand will definitely go up like we're already seeing the impacts already. I hope that everyone on the platform will think in this light and make things work for the good of all.
It's a very important set of points you raise here. My personal opinion is that in something as new and as different as the STEEM ecosystem, it's going to take quite a while for traction to be gained....and that traction isn't coming whilst certain behaviours persist. The challenge is to find ways around it. And that's exactly what I'm keen to be part of!
yes, very true @anarcotech. It is not a get rich quick situation! It takes time to create good content, build a following etc. I am excited by all the app that are being built. Those focused on bringing on niche communities, such as @imageconomy, are extremely beneficial for the ecosystem. It will take time. It is hard to predict the price of the coins. So far we have not seen any protocol attempt to replicate what Steem has done. Steem is growing in users, is likely to grow even faster, certainly in the US, following the facebook debacle.
We have to keep working hard to create an grow this great community, it's on all of us.
Relationships here have become so different compared to what it used to be back then. The essence behind the vision that birthed this invention is almost lost. It's like we are now becoming that which we hope to find through this medium. Our society which is an implication of corruption and unfairness is gradually replicating itself on the steem blockchain. I keep asking myself, then what's the essence of the whole decetralization we keep talking about? Some folks here really don't care!