Living in the present moment

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


The last few + days, after being exhausted from my retail job, I had decided to stay away from social media.

I was not keeping my presence up and posting in the way I said I was going to.
I was only a little troubled by this, but I didnt fret for too long, because I knew I was going to show up in another way for myself... big time.
And boy did I ever!
During those days, I started to consciously deepen my practice of mindfulness by truly being in the present moment, and LOVING THE SHIT OUTTA MYSELF and my life!
Observing without judgment or criticism, and the process to simply, BE.


When I allowed myself to flow through the morning

- sleep in a little bit longer, go a littler deeper and longer in my journaling to instead opt out from posting on social media, - there was this magick that happened. I was reminded how fucking awesome my life is. Right here, right now.
How far I have come, all the things that I have unlearned, and remembered anew... all the lessons that have challenged me, but are no longer a self sabotaging battle.
Shit, I was LOVING the shit out of my process and all that I have created thus far.

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”


With that being said, I believe I create my own reality by the vibration I am BEing.
I am a Law of Attraction nerd; what I put out, I get in return. Consciously or subconsciously... I am always creating. (Fuck yeahhhh)

That is one of the reasons why I have taken it upon myself to take full, personal responsibility of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.
And I wake up with this intention, every single damn day...

Because becoming aware of the little things, makes the biggest of differences. It clears so much energy and makes room for a shit ton of ease and joy.


It is my mission to continue a joy-filled life, taking it one day at a time, and not taking shit too seriously.
I trust I will always have a message in my heart to share with the world, and to continue to shine my light bright.

Believe in yourself.
Trust yourself.

You have the answers for your own soul, that only YOU truly know.
Others can help you as an outside resource, but no one has the authority to give you diffinitives. That's only your place to do so.
This is your reality, what are you going to make of it?
Lets co-create some beautiful experiences and uplift one another and ESPECIALLY our own damn selves.
Love yourself, cuz you're the only version of you that has ever been, or will ever be, on this planet with this awareness, and that is super fucking impressive.
You are worthy of having it all.
All the happiness, all the peace, all the freedom, all the joy, etc...
You deserve it, you deserve to do this for yourself.
Delve into the infinite unfolding process, i guarantee you its the best feeling ever; to understand yourself and others in depth and to
Love yourself, truly.
You will really see how your life begins to manifest your vibrational match.

Much love, and blessings,



The power to self motivate and cultivate personal growth and well being is one the most powerful tools one can posses especially when it is used in a balance manner.

Nice post!

Oh yes i agree!
Have been so focused on this in my own life and holding that space for my clients as well.
It is absolutely amazing the quality of life i have now.

LOVE THIS GIRL! You can have it all and create your life any way you want. I'm glad you decided to let yourself connect deeper with yourself and not turn to social media as much - It helps so much - especially with the journaling. Our life is perfect and amazing if we take a deeper look and just give gratitude for each moment <3

Thanks girl.

Listening to my inner voice/inner child, cuz she def knows whats best.
Ignored that voice inside of me for too long, but now strengthening it on the daily!

Get it, lady! This is fantastic!! Keep following that bright, beautiful intuition!!

@annamarieisms thanks so much 😆😆😆
Its getting stronger the more i tune into it.
It feels fucking fabulous!

Yay!! Absolutely!! It will just get stronger and stronger!!!

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