Better Life For Steem || The Diary Game || Date: March 23, 2024 || Today I will share a special day with all of you ||

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago

Dear all,
I'm @azit
From #bangladesh
I wish you all the best and love from the bottom of my heart. In the month of Ramadan, you are well by the grace of Allah. I wish your health throughout the month of Ramadan.

"Today I will share a special day with all of you."

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My family suddenly went for a visit to her father's house, there was no program to go because my wife's house was called Kirtan Mahautsav, so she went with my daughter. Asking me to go but I can't because I have office and no chance to take leave at this moment. Because Eid is ahead. I woke up this morning, took the fish out of the fridge and kept it for a while. Then after being normal, I washed the fish well and fried them. After frying, I roasted the fishes and added coriander leaves to add flavor. However, I cooked it in a hurry. I haven't cooked in seven to eight years. But I can cook pretty well because I cooked a lot in Bachelor Lai. The reason for cooking today is that there is no opportunity to eat out. The month of Ramadan is going on, if it was not the month of Ramadan, I would have eaten outside. I cooked after many days, cooking was a lot of fun, I didn't think it would be so much.
Design By Canva
After cooking I took a bath and worshiped Tagore and then went to the balcony and saw that the morning was very beautiful because we could enjoy something from our home. Padma Bridge trains can be seen coming and going from our house.
Then I went to the office on time. I started office activities like every day. I took a picture while working in the office.
Please excuse me as I am sharing Rozdar na (Hindu) lunch with you. The only reason to show this is to share a part of my work today. I had lunch around two o'clock.

After having lunch, I finished the rest of the office work. Office time is up to three thirty minutes. So, I finished quickly. Before I shut down my desk computer I took a picture. Allah is Hafez
Support @azit1980 and @azit1980.witness for the growth of this creative platform. Vote for @azit1980.witness here.

Thanks everyone for reading my Post.

Best of the regards


 2 months ago 

Life is always beautiful.

 2 months ago 

Life is beautiful but life is not always beautiful.

 2 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord

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