NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework post for @imagen

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

edited by my self on PixelLAB.


Hi everybody, I'm here to take a lecture from professor @imagen on NFT. Good topics like information about Nifty Gateway, types and differences of ERC tokens, uses of Etherscan. Thanks in advance to everyone who reads my post and to the professor. I wish you all a healthy and beautiful day, and always happy.

QUESTION 1 : Define Nifty Gateway platform in depth Who are its founders? Which market or target is it at?

Nifty Gateway is one of the leading NFT auction platforms. The platform was founded in 2018 by two brothers, namely Duncan and Griffin Cock Foster. This stance originally only came from a very very simple dream, namely so that nifty can be accessed by everyone.

Then a year after it was founded, the platform was acquired by the Winklevoss twins Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss. This acquisition was made by the twin brothers in 2019 through their exchange platform company, namely Gemini LLC.

The twins shared that their motivation was to take over or acquire this platform being motivated or believing that “all collectibles – both real and digital – will eventually go to blockchain in good form.” Just like many other NFT platforms, This NIFTY GATEWWAY platform can also allow traders to carry out NFT buying & selling activities. On this platform there are many buying & selling models, including:

Cart Selling System: The second method is basket selling, This process is carried out with certain NFT groups, then will appear in the basket according to the category.

Sales system by lottery method: This system is quite fun in my opinion, because every artist or seller who wants to sell his work, first determine the price for the work. While people who want to buy, must be a registered person. In order to decide who was successful in buying the work, a random selection will be made according to a predetermined number of people who have registered earlier.

Bidding system : Artists will offer their work for sale by auction system, the auction process will be carried out within a certain period of time, and the person who offers the highest value is entitled to own or buy the work. the difference with the regular auction system is, lies in the deadline used, usually in the system bidding the deadline is longer

Auction system : This is also an auction system, same as before, but in this auction system, usually a certain deadline is used to find a buyer.

General Sale : In this method, you sell the work you own and you can buy the work whenever you want.

Inside the Nifty Gateway platform, not only the creator or the creator of the work who can offer their work for sale. However, buyers who previously purchased the work from the creator of the work can also resell the work. Of course, the work is traded using several kinds of trading models that I have written above.

The thing that is of concern as well as something that makes this platform popular is, we don't just need or use crypto to buy a work, but we can do buying or selling transactions with a credit card. For transactions via credit card, we will be charged only 5%.

Although buyers can resell the work they purchased from the original artist, but these artists will get a commission ranging from 10% for each of their successful works are traded, this will be an additional profit for those who previously earned money from sales.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that this platform will make it easier for us to sell works or buy works. If you are an artist, then I recommend to continue to be active and follow this platform, so that you can earn money by selling your work. More importantly, you also have to learn about the date, duration, and what will be auctioned.

QUETION 2: What are ERC-1155 tokens? How do they differ from ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens?

ERC-1155 is a token created by WITEK RADOMSKI, the CTO of the engine in 2018, This token can or can also allow users to print fungible and non-fubngible tokens using only one smart contract. For information, the ERC-1155 itself also allows for more efficient trading and transactions, and can also save costs through bundling transactions. These tokens can be fungible (currency) and non-fungible assets (collection cards, pets and in-game assets), even semi-fungible.

I can analogize the presence of the ERC-1155 token as a bridge which bridges between the two types of tokens I reviewed above, now, whatever we all need about NFT, we can finish in one place. This advantage then makes the ERC-1155 often considered or named as the game changer. One smart contract that can handle more than one token, can be an efficient solution for users, especially new users. And this is the concept of the ERC-1155. Another advantage of the ERC-1155 is that it can reduce 80-90% gas fees.

There are several things that distinguish the ERC-1155 token from the ERC-20 & ERC-721 token.

  • The difference between ERC-1155 and ERC-20.
    ERC-1155 has a system that allows us to track tokens that we send to wrong/unknown addresses by accident, so that we can return the wrong token to the wallet. ERC-20 does not have a feature that can return a token that was incorrectly sent, so the token will be lost.

  • The difference between ERC-1155 and ERC-712.
    ERC-1155 tokens can now be transferred in the form of bundles, while ERC-712 tokens cannot be done because they do not have a system like ERC-1155 has.

  • The difference between ERC-1155, ERC-20 & ERC-712.
    As we read at the beginning of the description about ERC-1155, ERC-1155 token can send two kinds of coins at the same time. This is because erc-11-55 is compatible with ERC-20 & ERC-721.

  • ERC-1155 can cut transaction costs
    this is because the ERC-1155 we can send more than one NFT. Meanwhile, for ERC-721, we are limited to only being able to send 1 NFT. thus the transaction costs that we incur will increase.

QUESTION 3: Sign in to Etherscan, and Please indicate the number of ERC-1155 tokens available at the time of writing your assignment. Indicate the top 5 coins based on the trading volume in the last 24 hours. Specify the Hash of the last transaction performed and the ID of the smart contract as well as the token. Show Screenshots.

The first thing we need to do is visit the Etherscan platform, If you don't have an account yet, then you need to register in the following way.

  • Click the "Register" button in the upper left corner. and fill in the requested information.

  • After that, we will received email confirmation. Email confirmation will be sent to the email address we filled in

  • Open the email, and see the inbox then click the link in the email to confirm.

Screenshots in this section are from Etherscan platform.

we are wiil be redirected back to the main page of Etherscan and click "Click to Login". On the new screen that opens, we will open the login page, there you enter your id and password, click login the login page is waiting for us and we enter our id and password here and click login.

After successfully logging in to the Etherscan platform. Then we return to the main Etherscan page. our task now is to examine the ERC-1155 token in detail.

Select the "Tokens" and then choose ERC-1155 TOP TOKEN menu. as shown in the picture above. You can see in this screenshot, there are a total of 18,260 ERC-1155 coin contracts in the indicated area.

Screenshots in this section are from Etherscan platform.

And i will shpw you the list of Tokens displayed on the same page, we can see the first 5 coins according to the volume of transactions over the last 24 hours.

  • OpenSea Shared Storefront (OPENSTORE)
  • 0xa7206d878c5c3871826dfdb42191c49b1d11f466
  • 0xd0ed73b33789111807bd64ae2a6e1e6f92f986f5
  • Rarible (RARI)
  • Zapper NFT (ZPR_NFT)

After that we will check the last ERC-1155 transaction. you guys please follow the directions below, you better pay attention to each red box in the picture so that your steps are clearer.

First, select the

  • "Token" menu, under which several other menus will appear,
  • and click the "View ERC-1155 Transfer" section.

The last operation will appear after you click according to my instructions. Then on the screen that opens, we will be greeted with the details of the last transaction. As we can see in the screenshot above, the details of the final process are as follows;

Screenshots in this section are from Etherscan platform.

Screenshots in this section are from Etherscan platform.

Screenshots in this section are from Etherscan platform.

Finally, we can get the details of our final process.

  • Hash : 0xfebab6632a659066e47a21038c2a3a8a3fee1d0559ffbe60ba4272154abcfd90
  • Contract : 0x7be8076f4ea4a4ad08075c2508e481d6c946d12b (OPEN SEA)
  • Time : Sep,23,2021 - 05:55:50 AM UTC

QUESTION 4: Enter the Engine wallet. Describe the functions presented in its user interface. Enter Marketplace: show the number of items sold, show the first 3 items in the list and their description. Show Screenshot.

Same as before First,

  • we go to the Enjin platform. Then select it and click Get Started.
  • Then on the screen that opens, we click on the Wallet Download section.
for clear steps, please look through some of these screenshots
  • First steep.

  • Second steep

  • Third step

Then on the screen that opens, we click on the Wallet Download section. here we will find two options for downloading the wallet; Google Play and AppStore. because I use android, I choose the Playstore option. After that, from the laptop, I switched to the cellphone, opened the playstore, and searched for the enjin wallet.

All these Screenshots are from ENJIN platform.

  • Then I downloaded it to completion and opened the program via my playstore.

  • After the wallet is downloaded, open the wallet and select it Crypto Wallet option (But on my phone it says OPEN WALLET) then a new screen pops up and here and click on “Create Wallet” option.

  • Then the approval screen appears, select agree, and a new screen about setting the password will appear. enter a password that is easy to remember, but has strong strength

  • The next stage we will be given some verification codes or words. then we will be asked one of the verification words given earlier. then, after correctly filling in the word, our wallet has been successfully created.

  • In the drop-down menu in the wallet there are many menu options, namely Wallet, Assets, Scan QR, Linked Projects, Contact Support and Settings are available.

After finishing downloading and creating a wallet via mobile, we will now return to the enjin platform


  • We go to enjin, and select log in, we will be redirected to a new screen,

  • there we will find the option do not have an account, click that button.

  • we will be directed to fill in the account registration data (Name, Email, Password). click register.

  • The enjin team will sent us email for sign up verification

  • clik link on the email we received

  • Here we go, we are successfully became a memmber of enjin

DO you Remember when you first opened the enjin platform? I hope you remember. Yes, when you first explore the platform, you will see a series of menus at the top of the platform. I will explain it in detail below. These are the menu **Products, Solutions, Resources, About, Login, Get Started**.

Specifically for the login, and also get started menu, we have discussed it in the previous point. So, now we will talk about product, solution, resources, and about menu.


We start in the product section, under this menu will appear a row of six other menus such as: **Platform, Wallet, Market, Efinitas, JumpNet, and also Beams The following is an explanation of the menu under the product menu.

  • Platform : here is general information about the platform, For example, information like you can generate your NFT without coding knowledge.

  • Wallet: this is the Engine Wallet, to know about the engine wallet, please read the above which I have reviewed in detail.

  • Marketplace : this section provides general information about Market Volume, Blockchain Assets, Sold Assets. and there is a section explore the market, in this section you can see about the goods for sale.

  • Market Volume: 44.7 Million

  • Blockchain Assets: 1.1 Billion

  • Assets Sold: 832.7K

Still in this section, we will also look at Browse the Market, and when we click on this option, here we get information about the items being sold.

  • Explore Marketplace

As you can see in the screenshot above, 17,484 products are currently on sale. Just below, there are 3 sections like.

  • Marketplace,
  • Activity, and
  • Ranking.

It is possible to reach all products, activities and ratings for sale from this section. When we click the ranking part, in the first three lines; we will get:

  • Lost Relics,
  • Age of rust, and
  • The Six Dragons.

All these ratings are sorted according to their monthly volume.


  • Solution menu

finished discussing the product menu, then we slide to the Solutions menu, here there are several options such as Games, Crypto, and Software meet.


  • resources menu

    The third menu is Resources, we can reach many things about the platform. here is where 5 other menu such Blogs, Help Center, Documentation, Discord, Press Kits are available.


  • About

    The last part is about, here, we can also access a lot of information. This can be called general information about the Enjin. This Why Enjin?, Powered by Enjin, About US, Careers, Newsroom, and al so Contact Us

All these Screenshots are from my phone wallet & ENJIN platform

Question 5: In your personal opinion, what is the future of NFT Markets? and Give reasons for your answer.

According to my opinion, NFT Market will continue to grow and develop in the future. The main reason is that we see the role that NFT has played by leveraging the various features of blockchain technology. In addition, many great artists, as well as art lovers will see this platform as the right place for buying and selling art works, and what makes the artist most comfortable here, because the authenticity of their work will be guaranteed.

Another reason why this platform will continue to grow rapidly is the rapidly growing population of gamers in the world. Last year, gamers around the world spent a total of nearly 1.5 million dollars to buy NFT, seeing that, Of course, this will increase further considering the gamer population is also increasing, and the purchasing power of the players is also high.

In addition, the main reason why the NFT market will continue to increase in the future is because, the amount of money art collectors are spending on buying or owning NFT-based artwork is higher than in 2020. The amount of money they spent in one month of this year was 200 million dollars, this total is even close to the total money spent throughout 2020 which is only 250 dollars. Seeing this comparison, of course the NFT market will continue to shoot high in the following years.

What's more, many platforms have the same opportunity to create NFT, whatever you want can go through without having any knowledge of coding. In addition, many NFT platforms buy and sell cryptocurrencies, but today the situation is changing and NFTs can be bought and sold in dollars in the form of credit card payments. Of course this can be an attraction for those who don't have any knowledge of crypto, but want to have a piece of art from NFT.

Thank you for everyone who read my homework, and also huge thanks to professor @imagen for this great lesson. best regard @azissuloh
 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

Escala de ValoraciónNotaObservaciones
Profundidad del Tema1.5/2.0
Coherencia del Método2.0/2.0
Calidad de Análisis1.5/2.0
Estructura / Lenguaje1.5/2.0

  • Cumples con todos los requisitos.
  • Presentacion aceptable. Debes justificar los textos.
  • Uso de lenguaje sencillo y comprensible.
  • Falta profundizar en tus respuestas.
  • Falta mayor originalidad.
  • Buen nivel de analisis.

Continua esforzandote, espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.

thank you professor @imagen

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