Insurance is Important, but Still Learn the Details of the Policy |

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year

I bought a health insurance product to protect my family.

At the beginning of February 2023, I closed Prudential's insurance, which I have been paying for about 13 years. For health insurance for our second child, Amira Jufri, I pay a premium of IDR 300 thousand per month.

I don't remember exactly how long ago I paid. But the contract is for 10 years. Then the bank continues to auto-debit for about two or three years. I only realized it when the money was no longer in the account.

If not multiplied by 13 years, then in total I deposited IDR 46.8 million. However, what I received was only IDR 34.4 million, or a loss of IDR 12.4 million.

From a business point of view, of course, it's a loss because a dozen years of investment has actually been a loss. I do consider it an investment because the insurance is priced per unit link. It's not the right time to cash out. Even at the end of 2022, together with a friend who was a former Prudential salesperson, we calculated that I could get IDR 37.5 million.

If I wait for the price to improve, I can earn more or lose less money. I mentioned loss because in 13 years I never made a claim at all. I am grateful, my child is healthy and fine.

From the investment side, of course, you will lose big after a dozen years instead of losing money. It would be better if I invested in stocks, which I have done since 2015. If I buy shares of certain issuers in installments, for example, BCA, which has more profit opportunities, for 13 years I have made huge profits.

However, I have no regrets. In my opinion, insurance, both for health and other assets, is still important to reduce or share risks. But for investment purposes, don't expect to get profits. That's not the main purpose of insurance.

Lots of advice and strategies on how to choose the right insurance, from buying a policy out of necessity, choosing an agent who is honest and understands the product, adjusting to financial conditions, to conduct a review at least once a year.

Until now, I still pay insurance premiums for child number three. Unlike his older brother, Bang Atha has withdrawn a claim because he had stayed at the hospital for 12 days. In fact, Bang Atha also has official insurance from the government which is deducted directly from my salary as a non-PNS (read; civil servant) permanent lecturer at Universitas Malikussaleh.

I suggest to @steempreneurship later to make a challenge to share experiences about insurance products which are one of the references for Steemian. How about @harferri, @f2i5, and @afrizalbinalka?[][]



Asuransi Penting, tapi Tetap Pelajari Detail Polisnya

Awal Februari 2023 ini, saya menutup asurasi Prudential yang sudah sekitar 13 tahun saya bayar. Asuransi kesehatan bagi anak kedua kami, Amira Jufri, saya bayar preminya Rp300 ribu per bulan.

Saya tidak ingat persis sudah berapa lama saya membayar. Tapi kontraknya selama 10 tahun. Kemudian bank tetap melakukan autodebet sekitar dua atau tiga tahun. Saya baru menyadarinya ketika uang sudah tidak ada lagi di rekening.

Kalau tidak dikalikan 13 tahun, maka total saya menyetor Rp46,8 juta saya menyetor. Namun, yang saya terima hanya Rp34,4 juta atau kehilangan Rp12,4 juta.

Secara bisnis, tentu saja rugi karena investasi belasan tahun malah rugi. Saya memang menganggapnya investasi karena asuransi tersebut dihargai per unit link. Saat ini memang belum tepat untuk mencairkan. Bahkan akhir tahun 2022 lalu, bersama seorang kawan yang mantan sales Prudential, kami menghitung saya bisa mendapatkan Rp37,5 juta.

Kalau menunggu harga membaik, saya bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak atau tidak terlalu banyak kehilangan uang. Saya sebutkan kehilangan, karena selama 13 tahun tidak pernah melakukan klaim sama sekali. Saya bersyukur, anak saya sehat dan baik-baik saja.

Dari sisi investasi, tentu rugi besar setelah belasan tahun malah kehilangan uang. Akan lebih baik jika saya menginvestasikan dalam bentuk saham yang sudah saya lakukan sejak 2015. Kalau menyicil beli saham emiten tertentu, misalnya BCA yang peluang provit lebih banyak, selama 13 tahun saya sudah untung besar.

Namun, saya tidak menyesal. Menurut saya, asuransi itu, baik untuk kesehatan maupun aset lainnya, tetap penting untuk mengurangi atau membagi risiko. Tapi untuk tujuan investasi, jangan berharap akan mendapatkan keuntungan. Itu bukan tujuan utama asuransi.

Banyak saran dan strategi bagaimana memilih asuransi yang tepat, mulai dari membeli polis karena kebutuhan, memilih agen yang jujur dan paham produknya, menyesuaikan dengan kondisi keuangan, sampai melakukan review minimal setahun sekali.

Sampai saat ini, saya masih membayar premi asuransi untuk anak nomor tiga. Berbeda dengan kakaknya, Bang Atha sudah pernah menarik klaim karena pernah menginap di rumah sakit selama 12 hari. Padahal, Bang Atha juga memiliki asuransi resmi dari pemerintah yang dipotong langsung dari gaji saya sebagai dosen tetap non-PNS di Universitas Malikussaleh.

Saya menyarankan @steempreneurship nanti membuat tantangan berbagi pengalaman tentang produk asuransi yang menjadi salah satu referensi bagi Steemian. Bagaimana @harferri, @f2i5, dan @afrizalbinalka?[]


 last year 

The author shares their experience with a Prudential health insurance product they had been paying for 13 years. Although they invested IDR 46.8 million, they received only IDR 34.4 million, making it a loss of IDR 12.4 million. Despite this, the author still believes that insurance is necessary for reducing or sharing risks, and suggests that Steemians share their experiences with insurance products. The post highlights the importance of studying policy details and the difference between insurance for investment and protection purposes.

 last year 

Thank you for a very useful review. Let's share experiences about insurance.

 last year 

Good idea, of course we will consider it for a challenge contest in the next period. Sharing knowledge about insurance policies is considered very important to ensure the credibility of service providers and insurance products through the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Thank you for sharing informative and educative posts.

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Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 last year 

Thanks for the feedback. I've had bad experiences with insurance myself. Maybe the product doesn't always have problems, but it could be because my knowledge about insurance is not sufficient. The experiences of other Steemians may be different.

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 last year 

Thanks so much, @steemladies and @sailawana.

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