(Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge: Day 9) BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

La morte di Cesare by Vincenzo Camuccini

Dear All,

For my 9th submission, an ode to honor Julius Caesar.




by Ikhwanul Halim

Caesar crossing the rubicon

I. Alea iacta est

"This river, Robicon river,"
"point-of-no-return for us,"
"till blood of our brothers"
"Roman Senate treasonous—"

"from the start; water as border,"
"don’t look back, my best of the best!"
"sing the battle song, clear and louder:"
"alea iacta est!"

Hey, Julius, mighty Caesar,
you’re not quoting Roman, but Greeky!
people will learn from the old Geezer—
Plutarch told in his book ‘bout Pompey.

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Julius Caesar

II. Veni, vidi, vici

According to Appian of Alexandria,
a greek historian and an advocate
attributed of Julius Caesar
in his letter to Roman Senate:

“Yo, Senate of Roman!”
“Julius Caesar –he is I—had achieved-”
“a victory in the battle of Zela was so easy,”
“He might say: 'veni, vidi, vici'.”

“Yeah, as famous as a quote may be,"
“hundreds of thousands celebrities,"
“in the future, a verse in history,"
“will speak of my tricolon, my hendiatis."

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Et tu, Brute?

III. Et tu, Brute?

“Beware the ide of March,”
said Spurrina, a sootsayer to the Emperor
on his way to the Capitol d’Arch
so all road lead to human error .

clandestine of elites, with daggers
in hands of fools, unstable stabs.
a familiar face, amongst the killers;
“You to, my son?” said Julius, then he's dead.

a closing event in the crisis of the Roman Republic
through Bill Shakespeare’s play at Carnegie Hall
Julius’ last breath unleased for public
his ubiquitous influence was felt by all


Bandung, March 16, 2018


This is my 9th submission for 100 Day Poetry Challenge conceived by Daniel Pendergraft @d-pend. I am still a beginner in English poems.

If you want to participate, please do not hesitate to join Steemit School discord.

Big thank @d-pend for giving me this chance to participate in this event.

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