Wastewater as a resource

Few decades ago most of the developing countries suffered from series of cholera outbreaks.Most people lost their lives from the outbreak of cholera.Also in those decades other parts of the world also experiences the woes of typhoid outbreak.This was a serious problem for government of nations to tackle.The source of this outbreaks were as a result of our own making which could have easily prevented if we did the right thing.


The right thing to do was to avoid open defecation and we will be safe from this maladies of the typhoid and cholera outbreaks at the time.We knowing the value of health decided to change our behaviour of open defecation and built toilet facilities in our homes and public places.
Thanks to government and various municipal policies almost each and every one of us have a a toilet facility in our homes ,schools , Work places ,public places and in our schools.we all us think things but the question is do we ever care to find our where the wastewater goes after you flush down what ever waste you released.So today i will talk about the treatment of wastewater from our homes and industries to something useful to society.


Municipal wastewater treatment
The wastewater from our Kitchens ,bathrooms and toilets facilities are all channelled to a bigger reservoir within the community.Wastewater treatment experts then work on the wastewater to convert it to a useful resource to society through the use of various scientific proven methods and techniques.They make sure the end product of the treated waste is either safe to be released directly into the environment or used for other agricultural purposes .

primary wastewater treatment
This stage usually involves the removal of large particles , suspended solid particles and other contaminants found in the wastewater.This is normally achieved through the gravity sedimentation of the previously screened wastewater.The wastewater is also passed through sand to remove more smaller suspended particles.The biological oxygen demand in the also reduced as those in the form is solids are removed.This lead to the complete reduction of the effluent concentration of some of the nutrients,pathogenic organisms and other trace elements found the water which are mostly toxic compounds.

secondary treatment of wastewater
This stage biological treatment processes are now used in the treatment of the municipal waste water.Microorganisms found in the water are now used to the facilitate the biological processes .This microorganisms helps to fasten the rate biodegradable organic materials.The oxidising of the organic waste by the microorganisms produce carbon dioxide,water and other components which would useful to enable the organisms survival in wastewater.This would ensure maximum microbial assimilation and the sorption of the organic materials in the wastewater.

Tertiary treatment of wastewater
This is the final stage of the wastewater treatment so further treatment is done here to various harmful constituents found in the wastewater.There is the removal of viruse and trace elements such nitrogen and phosphorus which might increase the nutrients levels beyond the required levels.There is also disinfection from pathogens and further reduction of the biological oxygen demand(BOD) eithe through filtration to remove those in the solid form or the use certain chemicals assist in it coagulation.The nitrogen is normally removed through a process called denitrification and the phosphorus is removed by use of the chemical precipitation method but in most cases it being taken by the through the process of microbial activities.
importance of municipal wastewater treatment
By the virtues of the treatment it makes water available for agricultural activities.This is very useful for areas that lack an irrigation dam .Also the wastewater that has gone through all the various process of treatment will definitely comprises a numerous nutrients which will benefit the crops and increase in yields.It helps in the production of organic farm produce which is healthy for consumption.

The treatment of the wastewater helps in the protection of the environment and it also guarantees our health as well.Because when this treated waste is poured into the environment it wouldn't cause harm to the organismscand other species in the water.This makes it possible to for us to reduce environmental pollution in our water bodies.


The municipal wastewater treatment helps on the conservation of water.This wastewater could be channelled back into our homes ,schools, and offices to used to flush human body waste hence reducing the pressure on the already scarce water.



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