Why It's So Important To Be Gentle On Yourself When Reprogramming Your Thoughts..

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Why It's So Important To Be Gentle On Yourself
When Reprogramming Your Thoughts..

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I remember 6 years ago I used to have the most negative thoughts about myself and about life. I created stories about things all of the time. I would stay up at night wondering whats going to happen or what this person thinks about what I said to them or how I could have responded differently. I would have conversations in my head over & over and I couldn’t fall asleep.

Once I realized that I was the observer and not the one who had to take on the thoughts as my own, I thought this was a great realization, but the thoughts were still coming in and I didn’t know how to get them out. I remember laying in bed and got caught up in a story in my brain and I grabbed my head and applied pressure to it and said "Stop thinking, none of these thoughts are real." I was very hard on myself thinking that I literally had to have a quiet mind. This is not true at all.

Present day, thoughts still come in, nowhere near the negative thoughts that I had years ago. I’m very gentle on the way I view myself & the way life is at the moment. I never really look to the past or create stories about what could have happened because nothing can change the past. Sometimes I think my thoughts are all positive because I don’t say anything near as mean as I used to say to myself. Ive gained a lot more self love for myself than I used to have.

However just because I may not say mean things to the point of slander doesn’t mean I still don’t have some thoughts that are not very self loving. There are few thoughts that still comes in, “You should have done this today.” “You need to get out of bed and go do this.” or “You should be here by now.”I know these aren’t as negative as my old thoughts, but these thoughts still look down upon myself. I know in a way they are acting in a way of love sharing what I could be doing but they still are a form of negative self talk.


I’ve come a long way from what I used to hear to what I now hear and I’m proud of that and it takes compassion and thats the first step to viewing yourself and others for where you or they are in life. The thoughts will keep coming in, so always remember you are not those thoughts and you do not have to cling to them & let them control you.

I think its safe to say that all of us have thoughts that come in that we wonder why are still there, but its because we choose to keep believing them and sometimes we are still learning lessons from them. Be gentle on yourself as you learn to unprogram your mind from everything you learned growing up.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on what has come up for you through the journey of undoing old thoughts inside your head. Did you make the realization that you were ever being too hard on yourself and then bridged the gap from there to be more gentle? What else have you experienced through this process? Thank you for reading and if you would like to follow me on any other form of social media you can do so below!

Also Be Sure To Check My Last Article By Clicking The Image Below :)

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Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware


I have been hard on myself for believing lies or buying into things which turn out to be harmful. Cutting out most media helps me and blocking negative online "friends".

I'm a natural optimist, so I think that helps me. When I find out something is not what I thought, I can turn on a dime. I'm really grateful for that skill when so much of what we are programmed with is not the truth. Sometimes I get into a topic where the hits keep coming and I have to start over with new beliefs I was not ready for. I prefer this to the days I was asleep :)

Reprogramming yourself is a delicate task indeed. At 26 years old - I've gone through some major shifts in my perspectives over the last 5 years. From owning a business and making amazing money, to being homeless, to being depressed, to beating depression, conquering the boxing world, and regain enthusiasm for life I've realized this. Life is what YOU make it

Reality is just a figment of our imagination, hell, our imagination is a figment of our imagination.... Once this ride is all said and done, I think we'll all realize how silly we were to take this ride so seriously.

I think you already realize this for the most part though, we are very close to the same age and after reading a few of your posts I realize you're quite a self reflective person (an amazing fucking quality to have as a human being). I have to give you probs on the most recent blog regarding your battle with pornography also. I've battled through similar issues but sex related but at the end of the day, the catalyst was the same. Discovering my sexuality at far too young an age.

I can't wait to hear more insightful and introspective blogs from you @awakealiveaware.

I got a feeling we're gonna be good friends! x

I think it is important to be gentle on yourself as you learn to unprogram your mind from everything you learned growing up. Thanks for sharing this.

Yeah of course! Thanks for reading. It definitely is super important to be gentle on yourself and also conscious of the way we speak to ourselves as we move through to these new thought forms.

Very nice post/ Thank you for sharing. Our reality is formed by our subconscious. In order to change reality, we must first understand what destructive programs live in our subconscious, bring them to the level of consciousness and then change them to positive ones. This is very difficult work, which must be carried out together with a specialist. This is a very long and hard process.

it definitely can be a long hard process, especially with the world we live in now with all the self listing beliefs that have programmed in our brain. I have had many life coaches and connections help me with them. They still come in and out and I think its a forever life long process, but it gets easier!

Very good comment!

Love this. Can't tell you how much I let all of that worrying consume my life. Getting so wrapped up in what others thought of me. It's freeing to be on the other side of that. 💙

Yes so freeing kelly! So happy you're on here love ya

I had the experience, when I discovered that I could change my thoughts, of wanting to do a 180 degree turn and be perfect in what I was doing. This only created more hardship because my own crazy expectations put insane pressure on me, instead of taking small, gentle steps toward a more loving inner dialogue/monologue.

Taking it slow is the right way to go:)

hahah yessss crazy expectations on yourself first that make you go insane! and I love the stop shoulding all over yourself picture!

I'm watching the video of you creating this post right now lol...

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