Creative Writing:-For All Our Aged Parents || Elder Abuse Awareness Day



Hi Steemians!
I believe we have or have had an aged parents around us. Those of them that are still alive may be strong and seen moving around with their walkingstick. Some are bedridden due to some illnesses that are associated with old age. They were ones children, youths, adults and now fully old aged.

At this time, though they may still be talking and their eyes open, they may only be able to recognize people around them by their voices.

This age is the most critical period in human life. They become endangered species as they can easily be caught up and suffer in emergency situations like flood, war, and fire incidents. These abuses are worsed-off In poor nations as they are almost abandoned to their peril because of lack of support systems.



Due to their inability to respond and protect themselves during emergency situations, the elder abuse awareness day is to bring to the fore, how needful it is, to support and protect the elderly ones in the society when situations arising from natural occurrences happen.

The day would also portray the relevance of training and education for those in the fore front of responding and handling emergency situations. So raising awareness on the needs and challenges of the elderly in emergency conditions ensures their protection as well as a show of belonging to the society.

Nationals, sub-nationals, institutions, charity organizations, donors at all levels are now by this awareness day, urged to include the protection and care for the elderly ones in their various emergency plans.


Here comes some facts that should not be ignored by everyone who has grown into adulthood.

  • Nations having a more aging population is likely to have elder abuses

  • Estimation has it that likely 1 in every 6 persons, would be at the age of 65 or more reaching the year 2050. The impact of this is that the vulnerability to abuse or even violence that the elderly might get would be on the rise.

  • 1 out of every 6 elderly persons at age 60 and above, suffered some abuses in previous year.

  • Consequences resulting from elder abuse are psychological and physical injuries.



There is a projection that from 2019 to 2030, the number of elderly ones from 60 years or above, would increase world wide from one billion (1,000,000,000) to one billion, four hundred thousand (1,400,000) rising above the number of youths. This would be mostly experienced in 3rd war or developing countries. With this much attention has to be directed to solve the rising needs of the elderly ones.

Elder abuse discovery mechanisms from cultural perspectives, are required to be put in place to checkmate and prevent abuses.

If social amenities like the primary and tertiary health care instructions are not well equipped to cater for the health need of the elderly, it would give more rise to the abuses that they suffer.


Responding to emergency situation requires training, education, charity and donor, to give adequate care to the elderly persons.

Elderly abuses are under-reported and to some events undiscovered, the associated moral and social impact are quite clear. Hence, a global measures for detection is needed in order to protect the rights of the our aged ones.

Policies that do not have the welfare of the aged should be repealed to cater for the needs of the elderly ones in the society, like improved welfare services.

Let us join 🤝hands together to not just protecting the rights of the elderly, but to ensure that they are adequately catered for in the society.


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