Creative Writing:- Activating Your Brain Cells 🧠:The 4 Ways || Tell, If You Had Never Left Your Brain Behind You!

in Healthy Steem29 days ago



Dear Esteemed Steemians, welcome to another interactive moment to exchange ideas on this topical subject matter “Activating The Brain”.

The brain is such an intricate or complicated organ of the body system regulating our memory, emotions, touch, temperature and how we breath also. It acts as a receptor, processor and interpretes informations coming from the internal and external environments. Put together, the brain is made up of various parts that enables the generality of the body system to function well.

Could It Be Possible Living Your Brain Behind?

Have you ever acted in a way that after taking such actions, you now come to realize that your actions were really silly? May be While you were taking such actions, someone close to you might have asked you, are you out of your mind? Or saying “ are you in your right senses? Doesn't this situation suggest that you were living your brain behind you? Hahahaha 🤣, that's just on a lighter note, but I'm trying to drive a point here.
While still pondering about it to make your contributions, let's go further to discuss the entire make up of the brain since it affects the way we behave, understands, and do things.



The brain is highly structured and complex in nature and has three major divisions. They are:

  • The Celebrum

  • The celebellum

  • The Brainstem

Cerebrum: The cerebrum effects the interpretation sights, sounds and touches. Also, it regulates the emotions, the reasoning and learning. The cerebrum constitutes about 80% of the brain.

Cerebellum: This is the part of the brain that ensures you gain coordination, posture, balance, good motor skills. The location of the cerebellum is at the back of the brain.

Brainstem: The brainstem controls the various automatic body functions. They are involuntary as You can not consciously control their functions which includes breathing, when you sleep and when you wake up, the heart beat. The brainstem is located at the lower part of the brain and links the other brains to the spinal cord.

4 Ways To Activate Your Brain Cells


There are bodily activities that one may take up to activate the brain. Let's go through, find out what they are and see you your mental health get even more better.

  • Engage in rigorous Mental Exercise or activities:

Take up mental exercises that can challenge your mind on new ideas or new ways of doing things. The brain exercises that may help you here is to learn new skills and developing a reading culture. These exercises will activate the cerebrum as it receives and store up the new information. In fact just try doing something mentally challenging that you have never done before.

  • Include Foods rich in antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids in your diets:

Eating foods that richly contains antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids help in preventing damage to new brain cells and engender the growth of healthy new brain cells. The foods that may help in building brain cells and functions includes green leaves, Seeds, nuts, fatty fish , vegetable oils etc.

  • Regular aerobic exercising:

Engaging in exercises also boosts the brain cells. Exercises like jogging, walking and swimming enhances the brain.

  • Engage in stress relieving exercise:


There are some exercises that gives a sense peace, well- being and promote the growth of brain new cells.
Such exercises helps you relax and bring pleasure. They include getting involved in creativity or your hobby, Yoga practice and meditating, reading, and music.


Activating the brain cells requires doing or performing activities that can help create new cells as the old ones gets damaged. Also foods that are rich in antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acid.

Whenever the brains are activated, there comes a new sense feeling satisfied, creative, happiness and mental alertness. What happens here is that new cells has been formed.

I appreciate your stoping by to glance through this post.

 27 days ago (edited)

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