The Calm Before The Storm - Be Private My Friends


Have you ever wondered if The Government tells us the whole truth? Have you ever asked yourself "who" exactly is running the Government? The picture above is quite revealing to anyone who saw the Government campaign effort of "Too Big To Fail" have the reverse effect and make Banks BIGGER than ever before. While a so called show down on Capital Hill is taking place about a potential audit of the Federal Reserve, you see a gentleman holding a sign reading "Buy Bitcoin". So I will ask you again, have you ever wondered if The Government tells us the whole truth? I wonder how many in that room are holding their own stash of Bitcoin and happily buying up yours.

Reuters reported on January 10th that the US Senate is set to discuss regulations and risks associated with Bitcoin. Reading this headline one could think one of two things, this is really bad or this is a meeting on taxation. But while Governments all around the world are taking action on Exchanges and ICO's, we still have Futures on Bitcoin here in America. And large Institutional Investors & Figure Heads seem to really be harsh on Bitcoin, almost too obvious as to what their true intent is. The saying goes on Wall Street "Buy Low & Sell High" and while Bitcoin hit its lowest levels in quite some time, Wall Street bonuses are being paid out on the 15th of January, just in time to buy low, how interesting?!

But what if I told you that scarcity trumps all when it comes to the value of a coin? Just like the Government is trying everything they can to Tax, Regulate & Participate in the action, so are criminal organizations. Imagine becoming a target for cyber criminals around the world, kind of a scary thought isn't it. Zero of your Bitcoin transactions performed online or peer to peer are done privately. All of that is about to change and you can get your Bitcoin Private at not $14,000 or $2,000 but at the time this article was written, you can still purchase your share at less than $225 per coin which will likely change before the weekend is over. Once the word is out, expect there to be high demand of this one of a kind coin created by one of the most respected Development Team Lead Rhett Creighton of Zclassic & Bitcoin.

There is only one way at the moment to purchase BTCP and that is through an upcoming hardfork of Bitcoin & ZClassic. ZClassic has a strong, honest and ethical team behind the development of Bitcoin Private, Lead by Rhett Creighton. You must own either Zclassic or Bitcoin at time of snap shot "details to be released in the coming days" in order to receive a 1:1 of Bitcoin Private. Zclassic is currently listed on Bittrex & Cryptopia.

Update: A date is soon to be released as advised on an announcement made on Bitcoin Privates Twitter page. As soon as it is, I will announce it, stay tuned.


I've never wondered if the government was telling the truth. Well maybe when I was 5 I didn't comprehend government being honest. The puppets you see on the programmed TV are doing the bidding of the real masters. The easiest way to describe who most of them are is look up the bilderberg group but to go a step above them, you have to read bloodlines of the illuminati. Those families (rothchilds, rockefeller, carnegie, etc) are the top of the luciferian pyramid.

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