Achievement 1: My introduction post @atom96

Everyone is undoubtedly doing well; myself included. I'll start at the beginning with my introduction.
My name is Eric Antwi, although most people call me Atom owing to my height. My Steam ID is @tom96, and I am an 18-year-old Ghanaian living in Accra, Ghana's capital. I am a JSS 2 student at Koforidua Roman School, and although I have heard a lot about digital money, I am not familiar with it. @juliu96 urged me to try to gain interest in digital money, so I decided to look into it.

I adore acting; it has brought me great delight since my parents' deaths.
I am an aspiring movie star who enjoys sports, photography, movies, and music. I, like everyone else, want to make a difference and leave an impression.
I am looking forward to seeing entries about music, photography, movies, and business strategies.
You may also see some of my Tik Tok videos on parasite30.


As an aspiring movie star, I hope to share my experiences and train others through the posts I'll be making. I would want to engage with people while also showcasing my skills.
Thank you, Julius96, for the instructions and for introducing me to Steemit. I am certain that I am ready to share my cinematic experiences and learn from others. Thank you.

 10 days ago 

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