What Makes a Good Life ?

in #life7 years ago


Their can be many things to consider when to comes to say am i living a good life ? Am i doing something i am born for ? when you ask people what they want in life is so you will get two answers mainly the first one is to earn a lot of money and the second answer is to get famous and in order to get both of these we are trained to work like robots days and nights just to earn things that wont last forever no one knows you can just loose them in a couple of hours and you know what ? you will just be sitting alone and thinking what i did in life ? things for which i spent my whole life in earning it i have lost it in just a couple of hours .

Studies has shown that people who have got a good social circle lives longer they live happily why ? because they value things that can last as long as you live relations wont finish as long as you are alive . Being in relation with some one you think you can rely on in bad situation makes you secure . Relationships keeps you healthy and people who are more connected socially live longer and people who are more isolated are not that much happy and in older age their minds are not that much healthy and get into memory loss problems .

But socially connected doesnt means you have a big circle but its about the quality of relation you have with some one that matters . SO give value to relations instead of running after a piece of paper :)

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I am 61 and kind of blog in the same vein, but I try not to take yourself too serious and keep it funny, if not light hearted. The more I get myself out of the way, the more great things seem to happen. I cannot ever say I am where I am because I planned that way. We float down the river and make stops along the way. You never know what is around the next bend. But you know paddling back upstream is much harder. Peace!

Very true, we must value the people that surround us, the time they dedicate to us, and the good time we can spend with them!

yes step thats what life is all about :) give value to people not to what they have in pocket :)

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