Jewish Pupil Is Forced to Kiss the Shoe of a Muslim Boy ✡️

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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A Jewish schoolboy was forced to kiss the shoe of a Muslim boy or face a vicious beating at the hands of nine other children who circled him in a park. A photograph shows a 12-year-old on his knees kissing the shoe of a Muslim boy, allegedly after a group 12 and 13-year-old's threatened him with violence. It is unclear whether the Muslim boy was forced to pose for the photo by the gang, who have so far escaped disciplinary action, The Age reported. In another instance of anti-Semitic abuse in a Melbourne school, a five-year-old boy was called a 'Jewish cockroach' and 'dirty Jew' by his classmates, who mocked his circumcised penis to such an extent that wet himself instead of using the toilet. The mother of the younger boy also revealed her heartbreak at the abuse her son suffered. 'He literally fell down on the floor and said, ''Mummy, you shouldn't love me. I'm a worthless, Jewish rodent. I'm vermin'',' she told the Australian Jewish News.

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Source: Disturbing moment a Jewish pupil, 12, at an Australian school is forced to KISS the shoe of a Muslim boy amid claims of rampant anti-Semitic bullying
Location: Melbourne, Australia

  • Song: Michel Angio - Laugh (Edit by Ender Guney)
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Religion has always been a cancer that's eating up the love humans ought to have for each other. Although almost all of them preach love. What an irony

This is one of those reasons why I think religion is just another way of causing extreme segregation. There's always a battle line drawn even between relatives who have different religious believes. I chose to stay free of all these.

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So the marginalization of Jews is still rampant? I thought that died with Hitler? To even think this is happening in Melbourne of all places is definitely disturbing. This kids needs to be punished and educated.

It never died out completely, but as @armin.navabi pointed out.. sometimes the media points to unrelated events and calls it anti-semitism..

  • This is one example of real anti-semitism and should be condemned.

Well these things should be abolished, sometimes I'm beginning to think it lives in our actions and mentality. Thanks for always speaking the truth

Thanks for always speaking the truth.

I think it would be more accurate to say thanks for doing your best to speak the truth.

The reason why there is more than one speaker is because it's impossible to know with absolute certainty if any one of us is speaking the absolute truth, hence our need for feedback 👍

Don't know if this was staged or was a child's play. But still something like this shouldnt be taken with levity. This is exactly what happens when you expose kids to religious hates and superiority of one's belief over another.

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