Iranian Beauty Queen Says She Will be Killed if She is Deported 👸

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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An Iranian beauty queen who has spent almost two weeks inside Manila's international airport says she will be killed if she is sent back home and is seeking asylum in the Philippines. Bahareh Zare Bahari, a contestant in the Miss Intercontinental pageant in Manila, claims Tehran is attempting to silence her because of her public stand against the government. In a press release last week, the Philippines Immigration Department said the international police agency Interpol issued a worldwide request to arrest Bahari, known as a red notice. The statement did not specify which country requested the red notice, but Bahari told CNN that an immigration official told her Iran requested one in 2018. Bahari believes she is being targeted for supporting the exiled Reza Pahlavi, the son of the Shah of Iran overthrown in the country's 1979 revolution.

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Source: Stuck in an airport for almost two weeks, Iranian beauty queen says she will be killed if she is deported
Location: Manila, Philippines

  • Song: Michel Angio - Laugh (Edit by Ender Guney)
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Islamic countries are fund of that. I remember Jamal Kashoggi's case with Saudi Arabia. I'm glad that she's not gonna be deported back to Iran. And I agree with @arminavvabi that It's obvious that she's gonna get missing just like many others.

Lol. Philippines government asking Iran if they're gonna harm her or not. That's funny. No!! They're gonna give her a handshake and throw a party. Lol

Thank you for the videos today @atheistrepublic.

I'm glad that she's not gonna be deported back to Iran.

I don't think she is safe just yet but from what I heard in the video, she was allowed to apply for asylum.

Hopefully it gets approved 👍

Lol. Philippines government asking Iran if they're gonna harm her or not. That's funny. No!! They're gonna give her a handshake and throw a party. Lol


I don't think she is safe just yet but from what I heard in the video, she was allowed to apply for asylum.

I hope it gets approved too.

Its so unbelievable promised, when a person take this decision to killed another person its a so pathetic. I think its not fair with asylum. I hope authority take a good decision about this queen.

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