Colony Survival - New Beginnings: A Short Story

in #gaming7 years ago

A sandbox, zombie survival game, in the medieval setting.

What is Colony Survival?

Colony Survival is a Minecraft like, horror survival video game. It takes place in the medieval age, where you can control colonists for you hamlet, village, or city. While at night, unless you change it otherwise, monsters attack your settlement and try to put an end to your settlement. As king, you must your job is to provide order and establish a well-structured colony, at least enough to protect and/or provide for you colonists.

Now, let's get into the second segment of this series!

With the city fortified and self-sustaining, my ally @ggteixeira and I believe our best move of action will be to expand our newly found empire in foreign lands. I inform him I will go first seeing as I had more of an ability to expand at the time, seeing as I had more manpower as well as more resources. I told him to follow me after weeks past.

I took my best men with me to first established an outpost in order to watch over the outer ring of the city, which included for the most part farmlands among small huts for the farmers. Holding up for one night there after, we move on to the new lands to the east, I come across a man and his army. He tells me his name is Ben, claiming he needs to save the world and that he needs my help.

I agree as long as he continues to explain what he needs my help with as well as why. He continues, "See, people in this day and age do not understand the real threat these monsters bring us." I cut in, "Yes, I understand completely where you are coming from. I too know the dangers of these monsters, my capital city is under siege from these monsters and it was nearly overrun."

The guards out front of Oakdale

Ben and I found a new city together, it is called Oakdale for it is surrounded by an oak forest. We do this so we may pool our resources together to advance our ability to help others around the world. The many villages and cities in which cannot defend themselves from the onslaught of the Horde.

Shortly after building the perimeter wall Ben gathers a force and heads out, he says he is going to defend a nearby village, I do not question what he is doing. He took a rather hefty force to go defend a village, a little suspicious. The next day passes and still no sign of Ben, night fall I see him and his men coming back, he comes telling me how he has taken over the village, and half the population is dead. He went on saying the only way anything was​ to get done is if he were to take it over himself and have everyone follow his rule.

I pulled Ben into the barracks, so the working men and villagers would not hear the conversation.​ I told him he has twenty-four hours to leave Oakdale or all of the capitals men will be here to end his tyrannical reign as I did not want any part of his plans from this point forward. I sent a squad with his men to escort them all away from Oakdale, I never saw those men again seeing this as an act of war.

The city of Oakdale

My ally, @ggteixeira arrived with a huge force in order to protect Oakdale from our new enemy Ben. I explain to him what happened and how we need to prepare for whatever might come our way from this tyrannical enemy. We must not waste any time, our kingdom hangs in the balance of this war, thousands of lives at stake. This war will decide the fate of the entire world.
The reinforcements​ from the capital city, in the fortified from gate.

To Be Continued...

This concludes the second segment of my series in Colony Survival. I hope you all enjoyed this installment of the series. Stay tuned for the next installment, it shall be released soon!


Thank You For Reading

As always I would like to thank everyone for reading, if you would like to say anything about this, about the game, or just want to chat I would like to hear from you in the comments below. Until next time my fellow Steemians!


nice article lots of knowledge i appreciate your work.

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