The Diary Game, Better Life, April 19th, 2021 : Watching Cartoon Movie With My Cutie Barbie 🥰💖🤗

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

Under the ame (rain), I send my warm-regards to all of my beloved steemian in the universal. May Yaa Rahman hug us tightly in this bleesing month. Happy Sahur in a few hours my Steemian 🤍😇

Kak Araina, one of the smartest & cutest one in the class. Recited Iqra' with Shuhuf Method

08.00 am
"Taraktakdung... taraktakdung... taraktak, tak, takdung 🎵♩🎶", Sound of alarm woke me up. I switch off then continue slept again. I slept a wink.

Five minutes again the alarm ringing again. Rather backache, actually. However I push my body to woke up then in hurry took a bath.

08.41 am
Alhamdulillah I arrived in the school by the rickshaw. Can’t deny ! Perhaps you all know my (bad) habit, I always asked the rickhaw to play the movie ”The Fast & The Furious”. Hehe 😅

Even rather old, The Mr. Rickshaw extremely good how to drove his rickshaw. Salute ! Yet unfortunately, I am late & I’ve guess it when I am on the road.

08.48 am
Our headmaster called us to have a little meeting or briefing about what we have to give to our lovely pupils today, especially about telling story. In the end discussion, we choosed about the story of Habil & Qabil

09.00 am
Like we used to do, our first meeting to open our class in the 4th Program Ramadhan is telling story related about everything in The Holy Qur’an.

Switch on the television & searching on the youtube about the story, Habil & Qabil. This movie has duration 40 minutes more.

Watching A Story of "Habil & Qabil on youtube / TV".

Approximately 13 minutes when they are watching, they asked me to switch off the light. Inasmuch as they happy as a Larry,”looks like watching in the home theater”, They said.

No wonder, several times I knew about a story of Habil & Qabil since I was a child. Yet I am still a happy bunny to watched this movie eventhough just a cartoon movie. It rather made me goose bump.

09.40 am
Finished watching the movie, I asked one of them to came forward the class & telling story about what they watching last time, Habil & Qabil.

This is one of the momen which is made me melting at the same time. They fight each others push their hands up inasmuch as want to came forward to show their talent. And for today, I point the most spoiled pupil & active plus attractive in the class, Kak Najwa. Ahaha

Kak Najwa, telling story after watching about, "Habil & Qabil"

She extremely one of the multi talented one about telling story in the class, anyway.

Well today, again & again she tried to show her talent. She really enjoy about telling story till forgot the time. Fiveteen minutes more & don’t want to stop till I said, ”Ok, finish honey”, Then she gave me a coy smile. I asked her to gave conclusion about the story. And she did it as well.

MasyaaAllah, Miss Aish proud of you my spoiled lady.

Me & my cutest ladies after watched the cartoon movie

Before close our study about telling story , I gave question what the benefits of Habil & Qabil story to all of them one . Therefore finally I gave conclusion also.

10.00 am
Ok, time to deposit memorization of their own Surah.

First time, I asked them to muraja'ah (recited + memorize) Surah in their own chair about 10 minutes. Then one by one came to my table. They extremely focus on Juz Azma to recited their own surah louder. My habit, I always tried to remind them that they must looked at Juz Amma or The Holy Qur’an when they want to recited or memorize. We can’t underestimate it even you are so clever. Moreover this is The Holy Qur’an, Kalamullah.

10.44 am
It’s time to Shuhuf Method. Our focus still on huruf Iqra'.

After recited huruf Iqra' together on a paper. Anyway my special group are ladies group. I meant, little ladies. So I didn't wrote on whiteboard due to the fact that only 5 girls came today.

One by one of them (pupils) came forward & recited the huruf Iqra.

Well like we used to do, we still learning about Fatah punctuation in the Iqra'/Qur'an today.

11.13 am
Asked all of them, specially grade 1, boys & girls gathered in the school hall to pray Dhuha.
We will be choose an Imam (leader of pray) by themselves. In this case boys, absolutely. Who has a good attitude, manners, sholeh it will be an Imam.
They race & tried to attracted us with their style, silent, attitude, manners, smile. It was a fun moments. Ahaha

11.26 am
Finished pray Dhuha & sholawatan to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, we asked them to came to their own class depend on their groups & teachers.

Sure, my cutiest ladies came to my class. We continue again about muraja’ah & study shuhuf method.

12.31 pm
There are the sounds of Adzan near by Masjid in our school. Asked them to took wudhu (ablution) then pray Dzuhur together.

12.47 am
While waiting for study hour is over, I gave them free time to do what they want to do. Yet they have to promise not make a noise in the class. Alhamdulillah they walking on air about this one & obey my rule also.
Some of them drawing & some of them play hide & seek with their friends.

While they busy with their fun wolrd, I made my duty from headmaster to fulfill the daily form about the progress & response about our study in Program Ramadhan, 2021.

My ladies genk for today. Grade 1

Boys from Grade 2 came to my class & asked to took some pictures, too. Ahaha

Before back, we took some of pictures to remember our golden moments in Ramadhan Kareem 🥰😚🤗.

01.00 pm
Alhamdulillah study hour is over. Some of their parents has waiting for them in the school yard. One by one back to their house.

01.27 pm
Just the teachers of elementary school in the classroom (after waiting for our pupils back to their house). We have a long conversation in that time. I am telling story about Steemit’s Program, “Teach 93 New Comers Plus Break The Fast Together With Them & All Of Steemian Indonesia, especially Aceh.

Me & my besties had a small talks in the class

My besties, Ms. @dara96 & Ms. @purpleagashi over the moon listen about that. They said sorry to me can’t joint yesterday inasmuch as they are feeling under the weather. I told them, InsyaaAllah they can join in the next meeting.

We had a small talks also about Steemit. They asked me about their problem (new layout) when want to writing & some of problem also in Steemit. Then I tried to guide & explain them the way I know as far as I can.

02.38 pm
I back to my house & Ms. @purpleagashi take me up. Then she back to her house in Geudong, North Aceh. What a strong woman, Ms. @purpleagashi. Lol

02.56 pm
Took off my dress & changed it. I am starving, indeed. I am in hurry open the refrigerator, took an egg, chicken & chili birds. I cooked all of them then got my late lunch (to be honest, I didn’t breakfast yet).

My late lunch today (getting period). Brown rice, Omelet with Asam Sunti & Chili Bird, Fried Chicken plus Fresh Tomato. 🍛

I am getting period yet looks like someone fasting. Owing to the fact that I just want to the people, especially my lovely pupils & friends who’s fasting in the school last time. Ahaha

03.47 pm
I made plane mode on my mobile phone & put it far from me to got sleep well. That’s one of my habit from several years ago, indeed. Just because of a healthy life. Mobile phone has high radiation & I tried to avoid it as far as I can.

05.03 pm
Alarm on my mobile phone ringing. Sound of alarm woke me up again & again. I just realized that sounds of pouring beside my bedroom, outside the window. It was so cool owing to the fact that air conditioner plus pouring outside.

My mind asked me again to pulled up my black & white blanket then choosed to slept again. I am still sleepy.

06.27 pm
Woke up again inasmuch as sounds of pouring. Then I just realized this is almost Maghrib & break a fast (I knew I can’t fast, sweety. Hehe). I just check my mobile phone inasmuch as a lot of chat group there.

09.33 pm
Open my laptop then started typing to make my diary game for my SteemSEA, Seemit whilst eat oatmeal biscuits. I am hungry, anyway.

Have a good nite & sleep tight, fellows.

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @ernaerningsih and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,

About Me

 3 years ago 

Info yang saya butuhkan adalah foto yang menceritakan kegiatan belajar mengajar, jumlah peserta didik, jumlah pendidik, beban financial per bulan dan rencana program yang akan dijalankan. Silahkan kirim rencana program ke WA saya, untuk penyusunan program secara konkrit dan terukur. karena program ini juga akan saya jalankan untuk wilayah asia tenggara, venezuela dan Afrika. InsyaAllah bersama kita akan bisa!


 3 years ago 

Baik, InsyaaAllah Bang
Asiah akan buat detail perencanaannya sesuai request Abang segera dalam minggu ini.

Aamiin... InsyaaAllah bersama kita akan bisa !

Warm regards

 3 years ago 


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Salam @ernaerningsih.

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